Communications and Giving Team

The Communications and Giving team strives to spread the word of how God is at work in the lives of communities throughout the diocese as well as encouraging fundraising for the work of our churches.

Communications: The Communications team produce News for this website, Grapevine weekly e-newsletter, Working Together and Faith, Finance and Fundraising monthly e-newsletter, as well as video and social media content. As well as assisting parishes with their communications.

For general enquires email, call mobile numbers below, if no response contact: 01722 411922 (extension 807)

Giving: The Giving Team is here to help you find ways to raise the funds you need for your church, whether it’s ministry and mission work, or to fund repairs or restoration work for the building itself. 

For general enquries email

Rebecca Paveley

Director of Communications and Engagement 

Rebecca works with Bishops and the senior leadership team to provide a strategic oversight to all communications. She also manages external relationships with the media and other influencers.

Email Rebecca

Mobile 07500 836989

Working hours Monday-Friday 9:00-17:00

Allana Duncan

Communications and Events Officer

Allana is responsible for our core daily and monthly communications, including the prayer diary, e-bulletins and the website. She also posts to our social channels and does design and video editing. She most recently co-ordinated the 'Sharing the Vision' events.

Email Allana

Mobile 07917 912187

Working hours Monday-Friday 9:00-17:00

Will Triffitt

Digital Engagement Officer

Will is responsible for building online engagement across the diocese with the new vision and strategy. He also assists in the daily communications work, designing and producing digital content for website and social media.

Email Will

Mobile 07379 095650

Working hours Monday-Friday 9:00-17:00

Anna Hardy 

Giving Advisor  

Anna supports our churches across the Diocese to raise the funds we need for ministry and mission, and to preserve our church buildings, for future generations.  

Email Anna 

Mobile 07500 831566 

Working hours Monday - Friday, 9:00-17:00

Harry Neary

Online Giving Advisor 

Harry is the Digital Giving Officer for the Salisbury Diocese. His role is to help parishes with the technical aspects of enabling digital giving, contactless devices, websites, and with their A Church Near You presence.

Email Harry

Mobile: 07407 678309

Working hours Monday - Wednesday 08:30-16:00

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