Continual Ministerial Development (CMD) offer for Autumn 2024. CMD is available for Ordained Ministers, Licensed Lay Ministers, Chaplains, Lay Pastoral Assistants, Lay Worship Leaders, and Commissioned Lay Pioneers.
Stewardship Re-visited in preparation for Generosity week 2024
A refresher to equip clergy to make the most of Generosity Week (29th September to 6th October) when the Bishop will be writing to all our parishioners encouraging them to support the Vision and Mission of the Diocese. The response mechanism will be for local clergy to decide, please make the most of these resources and start your planning now: Generosity Week Resources.
Led by Antony MacRow-Wood and Anna Hardy
This course will be run twice:
Thursday 5 September, 2pm-4pm, online via Zoom - Book your place here.
Monday 9 September, 2pm-4pm, online via Zoom - Book your place here.
Outdoor Worship in Times of Climate and Nature Crisis
This course will explore the practice of worshipping outdoors, and how it might fit within parish/benefice life. We will consider why this is something we might do as Christians, how it connects with people in our community who are concerned about the environmental crises, and how it helps us to engage in environmental good practice as we grow in love for God’s creation. We will be outdoors at times whatever the weather, so bring your waterproofs!
Led by Cate Williams and Jo Neary
Tuesday 17 September, 10am-4pm, Sarum College, Salisbury
Making the most of the Quinquennial Report
Ever dreaded receiving your quinquennial report? Ever looked at the list of recommendations and don’t know where to start? Do you simply file it away and wait for the next one? If this sounds familiar join the Church Buildings Team where we breakdown the QI report and explain how you can use it to your benefit. We explain how you can us it to ensure you are on top of your maintenance and save money in the long term.
Led by Dan Crooke and the Church Buildings Team
Tuesday 24 September, 10am-12pm, online via Zoom
Quiet Day for Lay Ministers: Come into the garden…
A Quiet Day of short talks, reflective activities and plenty of opportunity to be still or silent before GOD. The lovely gardens of The Greenhouse will be available for your enjoyment.
Rona is a Licensed Lay Minister and a Spiritual Accompanier
Led by Rona Orme
Monday 30 September, 10am-4pm, The Greenhouse Christian Centre, Poole
An Introduction to developing a Trauma Informed Approach
With an estimated 50-70% of people experiencing trauma at some point in their lives, it is very likely that every church community will include people who have experienced trauma and may still be impacted by the effects of this many years later. The safeguarding team have commissioned this course to help people develop what a trauma informed approach looks like within their ministry. The course is suitable for anyone in a church or community role, but will be most applicable for members of clergy, Parish Safeguarding Officers and those in pastoral roles.
Led by the Salisbury Safeguarding Team
This course will be run twice:
Saturday 5 October, 9.30am-1pm, online via Zoom - Book your place here.
Wednesday 9 October, 9.30am-1pm, online via Zoom - Book your place here.
Enabling Vocation – helping others to find their SHAPE for ministry
An introduction to the three session SHAPE course designed by the Diocese of Bristol, and piloted in Salisbury last year. Ideal for small groups in parishes or deaneries seeking to develop their sense of vocation and respond to God’s call. Resources will be shared and discussed, and participants are invited to bring any other resources they are willing to share which enable individuals to explore their gifts and calling.
Led by Louise Ellis & Karen Hutchinson
Wednesday 9 October, 7pm-8pm, online via Zoom
Funerals and Bereavement: A Pastoral Liturgy Focus
There is a multitude of provision in Common Worship, as well as in the Book of Common Prayer, for ministry to the dying, ministry at the time of death, and through the journey of bereavement. On this day course we will revisit the resources that the church provides us with, explore some of the lesser-known material, and through the lens of the liturgy ask ourselves the theological and pastoral questions about exactly what we are doing when we minister to a dying person, to those closest to them, and to the wider community. Questions such as ‘who is the funeral for’, and how might we respond to the burgeoning industry of ‘direct cremation’ are likely to be among the things we explore. As well as input from Tom there will be lots of opportunity for conversation, questions and the sharing of best practice.
Led by Canon Tom Clammer
Thursday 10 October, 10am-4pm, Sarum College, Salisbury
Modern Slavery, Theology and The Church
Gain an understanding of the prevalence and realities of modern day slavery and human trafficking, and reflect on how churches can best respond. The course will be divided into two sections. In the first hour, we will explore the current state of human trafficking and modern slavery, including the policy landscape, total numbers and case studies drawn from Medaille Trust’s work on the frontline of support. We will then consider the theological implications of the context and how theology might inform our response. In the second half, we will discuss how to respond practically, looking at consumer responses, campaigning responses and practical means of support. We will also share of good police and enforcement resources. There will be time for exploring these ideas and participants will be able to present their own ideas for next steps.
Led by Ben Ryan, Deputy CEO of the Medaille Trust
Monday 14 October, 7pm-9pm, online via Zoom
Exploring God’s Call
Sometimes we can be aware that God is prompting us to something, but we’re not sure what that is or what to do about it. This zoom information evening will offer insights into the ministries for which the Diocese of Salisbury licenses or commissions individuals, with opportunities to hear from people in different roles, and information about the discernment processes.
Led by Louise Ellis & Karen Hutchinson
Wednesday 16 October, 7pm-8.30pm, online via Zoom
Growing Faith - Enabling young people’s voice and leadership
This session will be led by the leader of the Growing faith learning Hub in Sherborne and will focus on how you enable and empower young people’s voice and leadership in your local church, school and community building partnership.
Led by Steph Rann
Thursday 17 October, 1pm-4pm, Emmaus House, Wilton
Quiet Day: That peace which the world cannot give
The Book of Common Prayer asks, in its second Collect of Evening Prayer, for “that peace which the world cannot give.” In this quiet day we will explore a variety of both poetry and prose, accompanied by reflective music, to help us to find that elusive presence of inner peace.
Led by Barbara Priest
Saturday 19 October, 10am-4pm, Grove Farm House, Melbury Abbas, Shaftesbury
Growing Faith - An Introduction
So what is the Growing Faith approach and how can it make a difference in my local context? This course aims to introduce those working in churches and schools to the Growing Faith approach and the impact it can have on their work together with children and young people.
Led by Mandy Christopher
Tuesday 22 October, 4pm-5.30pm, online via Zoom
Intergenerational Ministry (for Cynics)
Intergenerational Ministry is not a different name for an all-age service: it is a different way of being church, and of enabling mission and ministry. This holistic approach to community-building and spiritual growth recognises the richness and diversity of each generations’ gifts, and what can emerge when we listen to each other, and work together. During this half-day online course, you will gain insights into the world of children and young people, discover how inclusion and involvement can aid spiritual growth, and see how the principles could help your church to better welcome and involve everyone. We will explore the myths, dig into the why, and wrestle with the how.
Led by Ian Macdonald
Thursday 24 October, 10am-1pm, online via Zoom
Churchyards: all you need to know to maintain and care for land around the church
Join the Church Buildings Team, Registry department and the Chancellor where we cover many aspects of all thing’s churchyard. Topics covered range from burials, headstones, maintenance, permissions, and closed churchyards. There will be plenty of opportunity to ask questions and discuss the kinds of things you are experiencing.
Led by Dan Crooke and the Church Buildings Team
Wednesday 30 October, 1.30pm-3.30pm, online via Zoom
Using Technology in Worship - a practical workshop
Following consultation with Lay Worship Leaders in late 2023, this course addresses their requests for an introductory course on the creative use of technology in preparing for and in worship. The course will also consider worship websites and copyright issues.
Led by Revd Jonathan Plows, with Will Triffitt
Saturday 2 November, 10am-2pm, St Francis Church, Beatrice Rd, Salisbury, SP1 3PN
Hurting in the Context of Church
The last few years have seen the world at large, including the Church, deal with some serious, and long overdue, reckonings and conversations about the misuse of power. Sadly, many have experienced this in the place where they should be safest- among the people of God at church. The Safeguarding team have commissioned this course to help Clergy and lay leaders become more effective in serving and ministering to those who have experienced hurt at church. It will also provide space to engage with associated issues in their own context/experience. This course is suitable for anyone in a church community role but will be most applicable for members of the clergy, Parish Safeguarding Officers, and those in pastoral roles.
Led by Nicola Eggertsen
Wednesday 6 November, 10am-2pm, Emmaus House, The Avenue, Wilton, Salisbury SP2 0FG
Trauma-informed Ministry
This workshop explores how recent developments in trauma theory and neurobiology can resource clergy who find themselves striving to keep going in times of uncertainty and conflict, and whilst still coping with the legacy of the Covid-19 pandemic. It’s not a situation that is going to be resolved easily or quickly – so how can clergy and congregations find courage and creativity to deal with the challenges together without burning out or breaking apart?
Participants will learn:
• how we can use recent developments in trauma theory and neurobiology to help us understand what happens in our body and brain when we are dealing with trauma, or experiencing chronic stress, anxiety and conflict
• how leaders, congregations and communities can respond pastorally, to help responses to be less reactive and more considered, creative and sustainable
• where God is in all of this, and what connections there are between our experience and understanding of trauma and our biblical and faith resources
• how our Scriptures are a robust resource in trauma, and demonstrate the power of reframing as a component of resilience
Led by Hilary Ison, in partnership with Clergy Support Trust
Thursday 7 November, 9.30am-3pm, Emmaus House, The Avenue, Wilton, Salisbury SP2 0FG
Waking up to Whiteness
In his online 2024 Whitley Lecture, Tim Judson advocates an approach to theology that faces the inadvertent and invisible assumptions made by White people and White institutions in the name of a paradigmatically White Jesus. He witnesses the charge from Black theology towards White Christians. Rather than instrumentalising Blackness, he reflects on the lessons he is learning from Black thought and experience, which have been a mirror and critical friend regarding his own White subjectivity. He proposes a work of reconfiguration in order to address the heart turned in on itself racially (Whiteness), which entails a personal struggle to see, hear and perceive oneself as a disciple who is consciously White. Judson then offers a reading of Gethsemane that yields a helpful theological imaginary for White people like himself seeking to attend to this. From here, Judson proposes some of the rudimentary ways through which White churches and institutions can cultivate greater wakefulness, helping disciples to “stay awake with Christ” and resist the temptation towards racial slumber in a world that is continually racialised by Whiteness.
Led by Tim Judson
Thursday 14 November, 7.30pm-9pm, online via Zoom
Collaborative Leadership
In recent years collaborative leadership has become a well-founded ambition for many churches and church leaders. However, might some of our approaches to collaborative ministry not actually deliver this in practice? This session will explore theological and organisational foundations for collaborative ministry, how this can be set as both a characteristic of a ministry team and an approach to enabling the life of a church in mission. As well as exploring collaborative leadership through different models and perspectives, the session will also offer practical suggestions and ways of working well with others, recognising the reality of the opportunities and challenges that this can bring.
Led by Dr Nick Shepherd and Katy Lyne
Monday 18 November, 10am-4pm, Sarum College, Salisbury
Growing Faith: In Practice
Part 1 - Tuesday 19th November, 1.30pm-4.30pm, in person at Emmaus House, Wilton.
An opportunity to explore working with children and young people in the context of the cross over between church, school and home in greater depth, including hearing directly from others great practice.
Part 2 - Tuesday 3rd December, 4pm-5.30pm, online via Zoom.
This follow up session will enable participants to reflect on their learning from the first session and build practical plans for their own work.
Led by Mandy Christopher.
Leadership Training for Established Church Leaders
This workshop will benchmark current leadership, refine leadership skills and enhance character formation and personal development to lead with excellence.
Participants will:
Move from plateauing/struggling in leadership to identifying pain points and building a resilient plan for the next season.
Have a personality deep-dive to identify patterns of behaviour and leadership tendencies for personal growth.
Learn skills for leading under pressure and stress, and how to stay healthy and be both present with family and productive in ministry, despite the challenges.
Learn about intentional investment into team leadership – effective delegation, having difficult conversations which liberate and dealing with conflict and organisational change well, in order to increase the health and efficacy of teams.
Increase the ability to pass on gifts, skills and competencies to other less experienced leaders through wise relational and professional development.
Hone their organisational leadership skills in terms of vision, values, roles and responsibilities, structures and strategies for thriving churches and ministries.
Led by GiANT London, in partnership with Clergy Support Trust
Wednesday 20 November, 10am-4pm, online via Zoom
Statement of Significance and Need
This in person training session covers the standard statement of significance and need in depth. Two of the most important documents in a faculty application. It covers all the headings in each document and explains what they are asking for and the types of information to put in them. It will discuss what significance means in a faculty alongside what ‘need’ is. This webinar is for anyone who is compiling a faculty application or has one in progress already.
Led by Dan Crooke and the Church Buildings Team
Monday 25 November, 1pm-4pm, Emmaus House, The Avenue, Wilton, Salisbury SP2 0FG
Art for Advent: The Four Last Things
This course will focus on the season of Advent through visual art that explores the heart of the traditional ‘Four Last Things’. These theological topics have been part of the spirit of preparation and repentance that has characterised Advent for centuries: death, judgement, heaven and hell. These topics sit alongside the focus on the four Sundays of Advent, which take Christians deeper into the stories of the Matriarchs and Patriarchs, the Prophets, John the Baptist, and Mary the Mother of God. Interweaving these key elements of the Advent journey, the sessions will concentrate on works of art by modern and contemporary women artists including Barbara Walker, Corita Kent, and Claudette Johnson.
Led by Revd Dr Ayla Lepine
Wednesday 11 December, 1pm-4pm, online via Zoom
Pilgrimage to Iona
Bishop Karen will lead a pilgrimage to the beautiful island of Iona from 25th April to 2nd May 2025. With five nights on Iona, plus stopovers in Glasgow each way, you are invited to travel with a diocesan group of lay and ordained people to experience the peace of this ‘thin place’, from which monastic Christianity evangelised much of Scotland and the north of England. With walks, worship and time for reflection together, you are encouraged to book early to avoid disappointment. For more details see: Pilgrimage to Iona.
The total cost for the trip will be between £1070 - £1415 per person. Clergy may use their CMD allowance towards the cost.