How are you feeling this new year? The anticipation of another Christmas is over and now the reality of the credit card or just life kicks in. Perhaps there are new challenges to overcome, resolutions to keep and things to look forward to, or it feels just like another day.
The period between Christmas and the beginning of January in the church's year is full of highs and lows. We joyfully celebrated Jesus's birth on the 25th, we commemorated the death of the first Christian martyr Steven on Boxing Day, then on the 28th of December we remembered the massacre of the Innocents when Herod had all the first born killed out of fear, before celebrating life on the 1st of January with the naming of Jesus and looking forward to the arrival of the Wise Men at the Feast of the Epiphany on the 6th. The whole cycle of life from birth to death is here, as are the promises of God, to be with us as we navigate our way through the challenges, the certainties, the celebrations and shocks of our day-to-day living. The predictability of a new year is accompanied by a simple reminder that God is God no matter what. That despite the highs and the lows, Christ was born of one of us, and continues to be with us. So, take some time today looking back and giving thanks, and then offering all that awaits and concerns us to God.
Psalm 121 says, ‘I lift up my eyes to the mountains—where does my help come from? My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and Earth… The Lord will keep you from all harm—he will watch over your life.’
The Lord will watch over your coming and going both now and forever more. Happy New Year!