Drawing clergy together

The annual clergy day invites clergy from across the diocese to come together to listen to each other and hear stories of courage, challenge and leadership.

Rev Canon Jonathan Triffitt, director of mission and ministry, said: " It was good to welcome Ric Thorpe, Bishop of Islington to the annual Clergy Day at Bryanston School, on Wednesday, the day after General Synod.  The focus of the day was on Missional Leadership, where Bishop Ric explored the characteristic of missional leaders and the conditions that we need to pay attention to, in order to become more reach more deeply into our communities.

Taking the Ordinal (the job description for ordained leaders), and scripture, Bishop Ric framed his keynote address around five areas that he suggested makes an effective leader in mission: prayer, confidence in the gospel, releasing lay people to lead, innovation, and that together we can reach more than we can on our own.  
At the end of each section of his address, Bishop Ric framed a question which everyone is encourage to consider in PCCs, Clergy Chapters and Deanery Synods. These questions are: 
•    How can we pray more intentionally for church growth? 
•    How can we renew our confidence in the gospel? 
•    Who is God calling us to empower and release? How can we do that? 
•    Where is God calling us to innovate? 
•    How can we be more intentional about ministering with others? "

Following the keynote address, those present attended a number of workshops exploring different aspects of missional leadership, before an afternoon session in which Bishop Karen led a conversation with some local leaders reflecting with Bishop Ric what this looks like in practice.  

The day ended with Bishop Stephen presiding at the Eucharist.. Watch highlights of the day below. 


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