Tools & Resources

You'll find a wide range of tools, links, and contacts on this page that may help you with your environmental projects

Eco Church

• Eco Church is designed to be a tool for a parishes journey and is our main thrust as a diocese
Support spreadsheet and with DAC comments 
• A Rocha conferences on Eco Church and wider creation care.
Diocesan Help

God’s Green Fingers newsletter c.3 or 4 times a year – past issues & sign up & Facebook
• Contact point is , occasional surgeries will be run
Net Zero
The CofE practical path to net zero - including links to a two-page summary guidance note and a self-guided checklist any church can use
Webinars - including heating, lighting, solar panels, EV car charging, and more
Heating – including new case studies
Energy efficiency – created by the DEO Energy Group
Journey to Net Zero - introduction to net zero from the The Joint Public Issues Team (JPIT) (Baptists, Church of Scotland, the Methodist Church and the United Reformed Church)
• Church of England Declaration by General Synod in February and Update paper to General Synod - the final net zero definition is attached to this as an appendix
Carbon footprint

• CofE churches required to complete each year to report basic carbon footprint - Energy Footprint Tool, email for more details.
• Churches wanting a more sophisticated carbon footprint - 360Carbon - includes energy, transport, food, procurement, and more
Buildings advice
SPAB - Society for Protection of Ancient Buildings
• For CofE churches, your DAC
• Find a Building Services Engineer, e.g. for heating guidance, from the CIBSE Directory
• Community Energy England funding opportunities
• For local grants, find out whether you have a local CVS (Council for Voluntary Services). If so, they generally have a grants directory. Also contact the sustainability or community engagement officer at your local authority

• Useful carbon footprint calculator from Climate Stewards
LiftShare UK helps people find lift and shares
OZEV - grants for EV car charging posts
• EV charging posts Zap Map
• (Plus the church webinar programme - above - includes a webinar on EV car charging.)
• For the keen cyclist - the cathedral cycle route challenge
Land and nature

Churches Count on Nature nature survey of your churchyard each June
Caring for God’s Acre free resources - including burial grounds childrens pack
• CofE Trees page
• Find your local Wildlife Trust who are often very open to joint working to support community action
Wild About Gardens scroll down for booklets on different species and on ponds
• Find your Local Environmental Records Centre for help with species identification and recording
Framework for church action

• The climate emergency toolkit contains links to many other resources
Frameworks for individual / household action

Creation Care, an excellent framework for households & lifestyle which congregations can follow together
Count us in - 16 high impact steps which individuals can take to cut carbon
WWF Footprint Calculator - pretty simple footprint tool, and an informative process
Frameworks for schools and youth

• For schools: resources from Let’s Go Zero, Eco Schools, Christian Aid, and PECT
• For youth engagement: resources from Tearfund, Christian Aid, and ACEN
Young People, The Church and Climate Change (Burning the house down)

• Powerful video plea from young people – 4 mins
Research Report by Tearfund and Youthscape
• Huge mass of resources focused on those for young people
Worship and music

• Many resources have been compiled by Climate Sunday and by Christian Concern for One World
• Creation-themed liturgy A Time for Creation
• Liturgy for the Agricultural Year
Doxecology by Resound worship
Bishop Olivia of Reading’s theological reflections (+Olivia chairs the Oxford net zero taskforce)
A Rocha International - YouTube channel - search for Dave Bookless New Wine talks NL 2020
Outside Worship & Biodiversity

Outdoor worship guidance page
Worship in the Woods resource pack for outside worship by Engage Worship .
• State of Nature report 2019 a one-page summary info-graphic, the report for England & the full report
• Devon churches green action (scroll down for guidance notes)
• CofE Biodiversity page
Campaigns by partner organisations
Church of England Environment Programme

• Church of England Parish Buying
Green energy basket from Parish Buying
Energy audits from Parish Buying
Solar panels from Parish Buying
The Big Green Switch or good green and ethical energy broking advice
Ethical Investment
CCLA (including article on CCLA fund goes fossil fuel free)
Prayers and Worship

Sustainable Preaching, ideas on how to preaching a sustainable message using the lectionary readings
• Prayers for World Environment Day
All creatures of our God & King set to music with lovely photos of mostly birds and some animals
Partners, networks, and useful organisations to know about

Climate Stewards for carbon offsetting
• Historic England "Energy efficiency and historic buildings" (scroll for range of different guidance notes)
Hope for the Future free training on lobbying
• Christian Aid campaign toolkit
Small group materials – e.g. Lent

• Tearfund Christianity & Climate Change – free course with videos by Katharine Hayhoe
• Operation Noah – Tenants of The King
• Ruth Valerio’s book – Saying yes to Life -Archbishops Lent 2020 book
• Lausanne Movement: Creation Care course part of their global classroom – excellent set of videos with world-leading experts and support materials for individuals or groups
Other useful resources

Hope for the Future - for engaging with your politicians
• Katharine Hayhoe, a world leading climate communicator, on how to talk about climate
• Project DrawDown, an excellent overview of climate issues and workable climate solutions
• Climate Outreach “Communicating climate change in a crisis” – scroll down to find the video
• Climate Outreach “how to have a climate change conversation”
• Video from Justice conference – Letter to my Grandchildren very moving, 6 minutes
• Climate change & biodiversity & action required explained by Royal Society
Blogs to follow
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