Family friendly policies and guidance

Are you expecting a baby? Congratulations! We are here to support you. You can find below the information you will need, and links to forms to complete. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with your Bishop, Archdeacon or HR. 

Read our policy on maternity leave and arrangements
Where appropriate clergy are asked to confidentially inform their appropriate Bishop and Archdeacon and the HR Manager as soon as possible of their pregnancy to receive information/advice regarding their entitlement to maternity leave and pay, and in order for any appropriate Health and Safety assessments that might be helpful or other advice given.
Clergy have the right to paid time-off for ante-natal care regardless of the length of service or the number of hours that they work.
Read our policy on paternity leave
Stipendiary clergy will receive 2 weeks’ paternity leave and statutory paternity pay (topped up to full stipend) on full stipend following the birth of their child.

Statutory Paternity Pay is payable to the new father, to enable him to support the mother in the first few weeks after the birth. It is also payable to the second member of a couple adopting a child.

Paternity leave can be taken in one two-week period or two separate weeks. Please inform your Archdeacon and local Bishop when this has been decided.

Subject to the qualifying requirements above, individuals continue to receive full pension entitlements throughout the period of leave.

In order for the diocese to send the required Church Commissioners paperwork for payroll purposes so they can reclaim Statutory Paternity Pay from the HMRC clergy will need to complete one of these two forms as appropriate and return it to the HR Manager as soon as possible.

To make a claim for SPP use one of the following forms:
(28days before the start of the leave)

Form SC3 Becoming a parent

Form SC4 Becoming an adoptive parent
Shared parental leave
This allows mothers to end maternity leave early and share remaining leave with her partner. An eligible mother can choose to end her maternity leave early and, with her partner or the child’s father, opt for Shared Parental Leave instead of Maternity Leave.

If both the mother and the father/partner meet the qualifying requirements, they will need to decide how they want to divide their Shared Parental Leave and Pay entitlement.

Read the full policy here.
Unpaid parental leave
Office holders with at least one year’s service are entitled in law to a period(s) of time to assist in the arrangements for their child(ren)s welfare.

ALL parental leave (other than shared parental leave – see above) is unpaid (whether for father/mother/other carer).

Parental leave is calculated based on the child not the role, so parents are only eligible for one set of leave and if for example they have six weeks leave with one diocese they are only entitled to twelve weeks leave if they move to another diocese.

An office holder is entitled to take up to 18 weeks unpaid leave in respect of each child up to their 18th birthday
Temporary time off to care for dependents
An office holder may make a request to their local Bishop for a period away from ministry to make adjustments to the office to care for a dependent.

A dependent is defined as: A partner, child or parent, someone who lives with, as part of the family; or where care arrangements break down and a person relies on the office holder for significant assistance.

The request may be made verbally but must always be followed up by email/letter and confirmation again received by email/letter.

The Bishop will always consider the request and may agree to all, some or different arrangements with the individual depending on the circumstances.

The HR Manager can be contacted for advice and guidance.
Request to move from a full to part time role to care for a dependent
Within the Common Tenure arrangements, office holders who may wish to vary their duties for example reducing a post from full time to part time with a commensurate reduction in stipend have the right to request this and for this to be properly considered and responded to promptly.

This policy applies where an office holder is requesting a move from full time to part time working for a significant period. They should be aware that there is no automatic right to have the duties adjusted back to the original terms at a later point unless this has been agreed in advance.

NB this policy does not apply to where arrangements/requests are for a very short time e.g. no more than 10 working days (and due to specific situations) or as covered in section 7.6, which can be agreed by office holders in consultation with the Archdeacon/Bishop.
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