
As the church, visible in our diocese we affirm that our wellbeing is essential to our ministry and mission as the people of God. It is an integral part of that formation which enables us to grow into the full stature of Christ and be his vibrant presence in the world. It is through loving and caring for one another and ourselves that we witness to our love of God. It is with these deeply held beliefs that we offer a range of wellbeing resources, calling one another into renewed commitment to the life-long process of growing in wholeness of ministry. Our Diocesan view of wellbeing is one of on-going formation, expressed through the following diverse, far reaching, and interdependent areas: my role (professional development); my relationships (interacting with others); myself (self-awareness and care). The diocesan senior clergy, central HR, and key posts within the diocesan central offices can be contacted confidentially to discuss any wellbeing matter. 

Our wellbeing commitment seeks to respond to the above by:

✓ Modelling work life balance and honouring the integrity of the person in all areas of our common life.

✓ Making provision for the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual needs of our ministers.

✓ Developing a culture of care and support amongst colleagues with particular emphasis on the life of Chapters.

✓ Providing access to appropriate forms of confidential care and support.

✓ Providing the opportunity for sharing and exploring work and personal issues in the context of work-based learning groups.

✓ Offering a CMD programme of events and opportunities which are nurturing and restorative as well as educational and developmental.

✓ Having a culture of dignity and respect; aiming to provide a supportive environment in which the rights of individuals are respected, each person is treated with dignity and courtesy, and where abuse, harassment and bullying will simply not be tolerated.

✓ Where adjustments or support is required due to disability, the DBF will work actively with the individual through diocesan support provisions; and, in addition, for stipendiary clergy through Access To Work. (Contact your Bishop, Archdeacon or HR. For more details)

✓ Ensuring that complaints are taken seriously thoroughly investigated. 

Sickness Absence Policy


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