Spiritual Direction and Accompaniment

What is Spiritual Direction?

Spiritual Direction is the contemplative practice of helping another person to awaken to the mystery called God in all of life, and to respond to that discovery in a growing relationship of freedom and commitment.

- James Keegan, SJ

Spiritual Accompaniment is guidance and encouragement provided by one person to another for the purpose of spiritual growth and support. It is also known as spiritual direction or spiritual companionship. Spiritual accompaniment can be a significant part of our journey of faith, healing, spiritual growth, formation and prayer.

Who can have Spiritual Accompaniment?

It is a ministry of sacred listening open to whoever would like to explore their faith journey, listen to the promptings of the Spirit and deepen in prayer. It is important for those in ordained and lay ministry, but it is not just for people in formal ministry. Spiritual direction is for all those who seek to find greater purpose and meaning in their faith life and a deeper more authentic relationship with God.

Who are Spiritual Accompaniers?

Spiritual directors are ordained or lay and can be from a variety of Christian traditions. They are prayerful people who have experience of reflecting upon the spiritual life and who desire to walk alongside and encourage others.

Those registered with the Diocese for referrals all adhere to a Code of Practice for Spiritual Accompaniers. Most have undertaken appropriate training, including in safeguarding, and receive regular supervision. They themselves, will be in spiritual accompaniment.

What Happens in Spiritual Accompaniment?

When you meet with a spiritual accompanier you can be assured of an open, warm, non-judgemental, prayerful and confidential space. The first session will be exploratory and will give you both a chance to discover whether you are a ‘good fit’. If you decide to continue, you will agree on some sort of regularity – typically every month or two; sessions are usually an hour long.

Spiritual accompaniers work online or in person or both.Some will ask for a donation to support their work, others don’t. In meetings, the accompanier will seek to listen with you to where God might be speaking in your everyday experience. They may also suggest prayer resources and spiritual reading. The aim is to seek greater openness and responsiveness to the Spirit.

How do I find a Spiritual Accompanier in the Diocese of Salisbury?

If you would like help finding someone suitable for you, please feel free to contact Julie Dunstan, details below. Julie will ask you to fill in a very brief form to help her find the best match for you. If you have any further questions about the process, feel very free to let her know when you contact her. Julie Dunstan Network Coordinator for Spiritual Accompaniment. julie.dunstan@salisbury.anglican.org

Are you a Spiritual Accompanier in the area?

If you offer this ministry and live in or around the Diocese of Salisbury, feel free to get in touch with the Coordinator about how to register with the Wiltshire and Dorset Spiritual Accompaniment Network. You’d be very welcome.

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