Working in partnership with schools and trusts
The Partnership Service Agreement (PSA) is a proven successful tool for building transformational relationships between schools, academies, MATS, wider educational partners and the Salisbury Diocesan Board of Education.
"Salisbury Diocese provides valuable training and support across a full range of church school issues. Its input on spirituality is deeply appreciated by staff and helps to shape the school’s approach to spiritual development." SIAMS 2022

In addition to the PSA the SDBE Programme for Church School Flourishing (PCSF) is available to trusts. The Programme for Church School Flourishing is intended to enrich and deepen the expertise of school trusts, enabling the flourishing of their church schools, their children, young people and adults. This programme will provide a sustainable and rigorous heart to the partnership between school trust and SDBE.
For this Academic Year's PSA leaflets and information, follow the links below:
PCSF beyond the PSA leaflet 2024-2025
CPD Courses 2024-2025
PSA Leaflet 2024-2025
PSA Subscription Form 2024-2025
PSA/PCSF Leaflet 2024-2025
PCSF Subscription Form 2024-2025
"The delivery of the PSA is excellent. The advisers are clear and concise. Having been serving headteachers, they make things easy to understand and go out of their way to help in any way possible."
Main contacts for further support
Sarah McNicolEducation Services Manager / Assistant to Director of Education |