Here you’ll find out about our work in partnership with trusts: transforming the Partnership Service Agreement (PSA) and transitioning to the Programme for Church School Flourishing (PCSF).
The Board of Education has developed a unique programme of partnership with trusts; it is an exciting piece of work pushing the boundaries of Diocese, Trust and school partnerships. Click here to access our PCSF Teaser
It builds on the knowledge, skills and wisdom held by Trust leaders set with a heart of innovation, deep reflective thinking and a focus on building and equipping others inspired by the story of Nehemiah and the vision shared in Nehemiah 2:18 "Let us rise up and build."

The SDBE-led development is the Programme for Church School Flourishing and is centred on enriching and deepening the expertise of school trusts, enabling the flourishing of their church schools, their children, young people and adults.
To achieve this, four key leaders in trusts are led through a modular training programme to fulfil strategic roles in the trust:
- Leader for Church School Flourishing (LCSF)
- Champion for Church School Recruitment (CCSR)
- Leader for Church School Governance (LCSG)
- RE and CW Faculty Lead (RECWFL)
Once leaders have completed the training, they will step into SDBE-led networks with full access to the held wisdom of the Board of Education. For further information please refer to our Programme for Church School Flourishing Leaflet.
This transitionary work from PSA to PCSF will take a trust up to two years. After the successful alignment from PSA to PCSF the SDBE will gift the ongoing sharing of knowledge, skills and wisdom moving from the traditional model of paid subscription.
Trusts partnering with the Board of Education through the PCSF will access discounted costs for bespoke support.
The PCSF Microsite training materials with sildes and video walk through may be found here.
PCSF Leaflets and Subscription Forms
PCSF beyond the PSA leaflet 2024-2025
PCSF Subscription Form 2024-2025
Main contacts for further support
Steve CowderySchool Improvement Adviser |
Sarah McNicolEducation Services Manager & Executive Assistant to Director of Education |