Church Buildings and Churchyards

A key priority for everyone involved with the life of the Parish Church is ensuring that our Church buildings remain open, welcoming, accessible for all and relevant for future generations. While Parochial Church Councils (PCC’s) are responsible for the care, repair and management of their Church buildings, we recognise that this is a team effort that is supported by the Church Buildings Team (CBT). The CBT can offer advice, support and resources to help keep Church buildings and Churchyards in good condition. The CBT work on the behalf of the Diocesan Advisory Committee (DAC) Diocesan Advisory Committee (DAC) and together are available to advise and support Parishes. 

The team also administers parish applications for Faculty and List B works, as well as managing and administering the quinquennial inspection (five yearly inspections) scheme on behalf of the Archdeacons. For more details on what Faculty and List B means please see our Training and Guidance section below. 

For grant giving bodies and information see here.

If you're unable to find what you're looking for please contact the Church Buildings Team, by emailing They'll respond as soon as possible.

Diocesan Advisory Committee Meeting Dates
External Guidance and Directories
Buildings For Mission: Minor Repairs and Improvements Grant Fund
Upcoming Events

Meet the Team


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