Biffa Award: Recreation

Interests Projects under the Recreation theme can include new play equipment; landscaping works, including boardwalks, trees, and shrubs; skate parks; woodland walks; nature trails; outdoor gyms; and building works within communal areas of sporting clubhouses which have a wider community use and are not for the sole use of sports club members.

How to Apply you need to show evidence of wider community consultation and involvement in an application. This could be in the form of letters of support, consultation from community open days or a questionnaire, a village design statement or parish plan. Complete an Expression of Interest online Form, and then apply via the website. It is advised to contact the Grants Officer before applying. No deadlines.

You will need to find a third-party contributor(s) to provide 10% of the grant you are applying for. Total project cost must be <£200,000.

Exclusions Your church must have public access for 104 days a year.

Phone 01636 670000

Address Biffa Award Royal Society of Wildlife Trusts The Kiln, Waterside Mather Road Newark Nottinghamshire NG24 1WT


Website (Regional Grants Manager contact details on website)

Grant potential £10,000-£75,000 (average grant £32,829)


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