Church Buildings

The Church Buildings team supports the work of the Diocesan Advisory Committee (DAC) in advising the Chancellor and assisting parishes in their care for church buildings and churchyards, recognising that these are places of worship that balance mission, worship and wider community use with care and conservation. See the webpage here.

For all enquiries relating to the care of churches and churchyards please email in the first instance.

Dan Crooke 

Diocean Lead for Net Zero, Secretary to the Diocesan Advisory Committee (DAC) and Team Leader 

Dan is Diocesan Lead for Net Zero, and as DAC Secretary oversees the Church Buildings Team, administers the Care of Churches measure, the Faculty Jurisdiction Rules, Schedule 1 (List A & List B), and church building Quinquennial Inspections for the Diocese. 

Email the Church Buildings Team

Mobile 01722 438654

Working hours Monday - Friday, 9:00-17:00

Alex Weedon 

Church Buildings Officer

Alex assists parishes with general enquiries relating to the care of church buildings and churchyards and works with parishes to progress Faculty and List B applications. 

Email the Church Buildings Team

Mobile 01722 438654

Working hours Monday & Tuesday, 9-14.30, Wednesday & Thursday, 9-14.00

Joe O'Connell

Buildings Conservation and Sustainability Officer

Joe assists parishes in the care of church buildings and churchyards and works with parishes to progress Faculty and List B applications. With a focus on sustainability Joe will assist in the progressing of applications with environmental considerations. 

Email the Church Buildings Team

Mobile 01722 438654

Working hours Monday- Friday 9:00-17:00

Lucy Scott

Church Buildings Assistant 

Lucy assists parishes with general enquiries about the care of church buildings and churchyards, works with parishes on List B applications & undertakes team administrative activities. 

Email the Church Buildings Team

Mobile 01722 438654

Working hours Monday - Friday 9:00-17:00

Toni Bush

Church Buildings Community Enabler

Toni works with churches on engaging the community in the church building and on ideas for developing it as a community asset. Her work is part of a two-year pilot project called Buildings for Mission funded by the Church of England which runs until the end of 2025.

Email Toni

Mobile 01722 438654

Working Hours: Divided between Diocese of Salisbury and Diocese of Bristol

Jarrod Hill

Net Zero Decarbonisation Officer

Jarrod supports parishes with their journey toward the Church of England Net Zero Carbon 2030 target - reflecting mission for creation care and climate justice.

He helps historic churches actively cut their carbon impact in line with the Diocesan Vision & Strategy and Net Zero Carbon Action Plan; assists with Energy Audits, the Energy Footprint Tool and Decarbonisation Plans; provides technical advice, training and project implementation support and engages parish Eco Champions with Eco Church accreditation.

Email Jarrod

Working Hours: Monday-Friday 9:00-17:00

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