The Mission and Ministry team encourage mission and ministry across our communities and parishes to be locally led and centrally supported, in line with the Diocesan priorities for growth. This includes fostering a culture of vocation (lay and ordained), investing in ministerial formation, supporting a genuine localised strategy for mission (including discipleship and social justice), and developing the potential of our digital engagement.
The team seeks to support, resource, and enable clergy and laity to flourish in their discipleship, ministry, and mission.
Click for: Mission and Ministry, Lay Ministry, Growing Faith
The Revd Canon Jonathan Triffitt
Director of Mission & Ministry, Deputy Diocesan Secretary and Bishop's Missioner
Jonathan leads and manages the team in supporting and serving the vocation of the local church in three key areas: discipleship, leadership, and community transformation. He has responsibility for leading the Mission and Ministry team. The team supports and resources local churches in partnership with the Diocesan Board of Education (DBE) and recognises that work must be grounded in the gifts of the places we serve.
Mobile 07955 246940
Working hours Monday - Friday, 9.00-17:00
Mission and Ministry
The Revd Nigel Done
Diocesan Director of Ordinands and IME Coordinator
As Ministry Formation team leader, Nigel supports and resources the needs of those exploring a vocation and those discerned for authorised and commissioned ministries (lay and ordained).
As the Diocesan Director of Ordinands (DDO), Nigel is responsible for guiding the Diocese’s candidates for ordained ministry through the processes of discernment and the pre-ordination phase of their training until first appointment.
Mobile 07976 418920
Working hours Monday - Friday, 9.00-17:00
Andrea Dredge
Ministerial Formation Resource Administrator
Andrea provides administrative support to the Ministry Formation team that include initial vocation enquiries; supporting the work of discernment by handling candidates for ordained ministry through the Church of England selections process until the point of licensing to a first post; supporting the work of providing ongoing learning and development of curates in title posts within the Diocese; supporting the work of discernment and training of Licensed Lay Ministers (LLMs), pre and post admission. Andrea is Nigel’s personal assistant.
Mobile 07917 912267
Working hours Monday - Friday, 9.00-17:00
Steve Inglis
Mission Coordinator
Steve supports, enables, and resources discipleship, mission and social justice in the local context and is the contact for chaplains.
He also works collaboratively with local church and school leaders, building missional opportunities that respond to community needs across all ages and supports the development of Community Hubs as a vehicle for local discipleship and mission.
Mobile 07464 546040
Working hours Monday - Friday, 9.00-17:00
Canon Sue Chandler
Mission and Ministry Resource Officer
Sue volunteers with those in licensed and commissioned ministries with a particular focus on and as a member of the Diocesan Wellbeing Group.
Mobile 07554 425971
Revd Caroline Spindlow
Ministry Formation Resource Officer
Supporting curates, and their Training Incumbents, across the Diocese of Salisbury.
Mobile 07921 763058
Working Hours Monday, Wednesday mornings, and Thursday.
Lay Ministry
The Revd Canon Karen Hutchinson
Lay Ministry Development Officer
Working collaboratively across areas of the Mission and Ministry team, Diocesan Board of Education and local churches, Karen supports, enables, and resources the growth and development of lay ministry across the diocese.
Mobile 07917 912179
Working hours Monday - Friday, 9.00-17:00
Venetia Tucker
Lay Ministry Administrator
Supporting the delivery of local lay development training courses.
Mobile 07795 527 562
Working hours Monday – Wednesday and Friday
The Revd Louise Ellis
Vocations Coordinator
Louise is the Vicar of the Church of the Holy Angels in Lilliput, Poole, and acts as the lead Diocesan Vocations Coordinator, fostering a culture of talking about vocations for everyone, including young people. Louise oversees the recruitment, training, and resourcing of a team of Vocation Mentors who collaborates with individuals alongside their vicar in developing their understanding of calling. Through Vocation Enquiry events, we aim to offer a clear entry point of discerning a vocational pathway to lay and ordained roles.
Mobile 07826 572 764
Working hours 10 hours per week
Growing Faith
Mandy Christopher
Head of Growing Faith
Mandy is responsible for the leadership of Growing Faith, which is the approach which supports parishes and schools and families in working together to place children, young people and families at the heart of the church’s mission and ministry.
Lorna Johnson
Growing Faith Advisor (With a focus on Climate Action)
Working at the cross roads of Church, school, home and community, exploring faith, supporting children and young peoples voices and leadership to play a part.
Mobile 07469 859994