
The Diocese of Salisbury is led by the Bishop of Salisbury and governed by Diocesan Synod, consisting of clergy, bishops, and laity. Members are elected to represent the diocesan community and participate in a range of governance committees. 

View the Calendar for forthcoming meetings and associated information. 

Further information about governing bodies and groups in the Diocese of Salisbury can be found below. Read more about our history, structure and governance in this document.

Diocesan Synod

Diocesan Synod is the statutory governing body of the Diocese of Salisbury. It meets regularly to discuss matters relating to church life. It is an elected body and can debate matters referred from deaneries, parochial church councils (PCCs) and from individual Synod members. Please find the minutes and documentation of each meeting here.  
Bishop’s Council and Diocesan Board of Finance (DBF)

Bishop’s Council is responsible for considering matters of policy, advising the Diocesan Bishop, and determining how matters should be taken forward to the Diocesan Synod. 
• Standing committee of Diocesan Synod
• Trustees and Directors of the Salisbury Diocesan Board of Finance (DBF) charity and company
• Diocesan Mission and Pastoral Committee
• Diocesan Parsonages Board.
As trustees and directors of the DBF, it promotes and assists the work and purposes of the Church of England in the Diocese of Salisbury.  This is achieved principally through the provision of ministry across the parishes in the diocese. The DBF also provides advice, training and resources to clergy, laity and parishes, all to support the life of the Church and the advancement of Christ’s Kingdom. Salisbury DBF is a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales, no. 17442, Registered Charity no. 240833
Diocesan Board of Education (SDBE)

The Diocesan Board of Education claims its role as servant leader, enabling the creation of an interdependent family of outstanding schools and academies. We want to empower, enable and encourage transformational leadership in schools and parishes which transforms the lives of children and young people. Schools and academies are aiming to be distinctive, effective and inclusive. Governors as leaders are key partners in this work. Schools need governors with the experiences, skills and understanding to work strategically alongside other school leaders. Our developing Governance strategy intends to support governors at all levels in a continually changing educational environment. 


For more information on school governance, click here.


Principal Committees of the Bishop’s Council

Finance Committee

Bishop’s Council has delegated the responsibility to scrutinise and manage the financial and employment concerns of the DBF to the Finance Committee. Specifically, the committee assures internal controls, independent audit, compliance with all relevant legislation, and effective financial analysis that support transparent decision-making and accountability for the DBF.
Mission and Ministry Committee

This committee is responsible for enabling mission and ministry across the diocese in response to the strategic direction set by the Bishop’s Council. The committee formulates policies, provides resources through the DBF and monitors delivery in all aspects of mission and ministry, working in partnership with the Archidiaconal Mission and Pastoral Committees.
Archidiaconal Mission and Pastoral Committees

These committees are responsible for enabling mission and ministry across the diocese in response to the strategic direction set by the Bishop’s Council. The committee formulates policies, provides resources through the DBF and monitors delivery in all aspects of mission and ministry, working in partnership with the Archidiaconal Mission and Pastoral Committees.
Audit and Risk Committee

The committee discusses matters in relation to the Annual Report and Accounts of the DBF and assures the Bishop’s Council that the proper processes have been followed. It also considers the integrity of financial reporting, systems of internal control and the adequacy of arrangements relating to the management of risk.

Other Statutory Groups and General Synod

Board of Patronage

The Board exercise the right of presentation and other rights of patronage in respect of benefices where the patronage is held by the Board. During the appointment process, the board helps to find good and qualified clergy, suitable for appointment to the benefice, and in responding to any consultations under the Pastoral Measure which might affect the benefice. Members of the board will use their knowledge and experience to encourage appointments which are compatible with the traditions of each benefice.
Deanery Synods

In the Diocese of Salisbury, there are 21 deaneries. Deanery Synods are the representative bodies in each deanery and members nominate and elect people to Diocesan and also the national Church of England’s General Synod. You can find representatives of the Deaneries here.

Visit the Church of England website for more information on Church Representation Rules that is a vital tool for all those involved in parochial, diocesan and national Church governance.
Diocesan Advisory Committee (DAC)

The committee assists parishes on any matter affecting the use and care of places of worship and their surroundings. It safeguards churches, their contents and the churchyards by giving advice on work involving any repairs, extension, alteration or addition being contemplated. The committee advises the Chancellor of the diocese on faculty applications.
Diocesan Safeguarding Advisory Panel

Safeguarding is taken very seriously in the Diocese of Salisbury. The panel makes decisions on all aspects of diocesan safeguarding policy and puts forward recommendations to Bishop’s Council.

Take a look at the Safeguarding pages for the information and support available.

There’s also more about safeguarding in churches nationally on the Church of England’s website.
SDBF Building Consultancy Ltd

This is an independent, multi-disciplinary practice, operating as a subsidiary of the Diocesan Board of Finance (DBF). It offers a wide range of professional building surveying and architectural design services, across the south of England. All profits are gifted back to the DBF, helping to fund mission and ministry.

See the SDBF Building Consultancy website for more details.
Vacancy in See Committee

The purpose of this statutory committee is to assist with the selection and appointment of the Diocesan Bishop upon the See becoming vacant. It has a permanent existence but only meets during a Diocesan Bishop’s vacancy. Members of the committee are elected as the diocesan representatives to the Crown Nominations Commission.
General Synod

The General Synod is the national assembly of bishops, clergy and laity of the Church of England brought together to consider, discuss and make decisions on matters of common concern in the life of the church. Visit the Church of England website for more information. Members from the Diocese of Salisbury are elected to the General Synod for the period 2021 – 2026. See the list of our representatives here.
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