2021-2026 Members of General Synod
House of Clergy: The Revd Canon Paul Bradbury, paul@poolemc.org.uk
House of Clergy: The Ven Alan Jeans, adsarum@salisbury.anglican.org
House of Laity: Gill Verschoyle, gillgilby@hotmail.com
House of Clergy: The Revd Mike Tufnell, vicar@thelanternchurch.org
House of Laity: Christopher Webb, chriswebb1212@hotmail.com
Channel Islands Clergy: The Very Revd Michael Keirle, dean@jerseydeanery.je
Channel Islands Laity: Ruth Abernethy, ruth_abernethy@hotmail.com
House of Laity: Jonathan Baird, jwabaird@gmail.com
Channel Islands Laity: Paul Matthams, matthams@msn.com
House of Laity: Debbie McIsaac, db@dball.com
House of Clergy: Vacant
House of Laity: Fiona Norris
House of Laity: Andrew Farley, andrewdfarley@hotmail.com