Leadership for Lent 2025

'Leadership for Lent' is our brand new Lent course for 2025! Featuring young leaders from across the Diocese, the course will highlight six figures from the Bible and what they can teach us about being courageous Christian leaders today, through written reflections and video conversations with Steve Inglis our mission coordinator. The written material is available in full below with videos released weekly over Lent on our YouTube and social media channels. Whether you choose to do this course with a group or on your own, we pray that it will challenge and inspire you, wherever you lead.

Our six week Lent course includes weekly reflections on six Biblical figures who show us different ways of being a leader each reflection is written by a young leader from the diocese.

The course involves:

  • Introduction and prayer
  • Six written reflections weekly and video reflections (released weekly on social media and on Youtube)

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