Advent roundup - Part three

Amidst the snow and cold of this Advent season, the Diocese has been enjoying  Advent celebrations and services as we prepare for Christmas Day, and remember that Jesus died for us and then came back to life. We’ve rounded up a few of our favourite highlights from the past week below.

Bishop Karen Gorham was in Cranborne this Sunday for a crisp morning visit to the Church of St. Mary and Bartholomew, Cranborne, which included a dedication of the beautifully restored clock faces that date back to 1440. 

Shortly after, it was off to Wimborne St. Giles first school for a Christingle service for all its students along with some much-appreciated welcome coffee, pastries and gingerbread. 

Elsewhere at Bishops Cannings Primary School, the young pupils of years one and two put on a fantastic Wriggly Nativity. There was beautiful singing, great dancing, and smiles all around. Well done to all those involved! 

The Revd John Rees, the new Rector of the Canalside Benefice, enjoyed his first Canalside Carol Service last Friday in the beautiful village of Whaddon. It was filmed this year as part of an online service, leaving John wondering what Jane Austen’s Uncle – a previous rector – would have made of the technological advancements. 

The Very Revd Nick Papadopulos, Dean of Salisbury Cathedral, also got involved in the fun last week as he was preaching at St. Luke’s in Lower Parkstone. The children enjoyed the service so much, they created a portrait of the Dean out of gingerbread! 

Meanwhile, the Revd Jenny Nelson led a joyous Advent Carol Service at Bishop Caundle Parish Church Sunday afternoon whilst children present had a fun-filled time constructing their Christingles and learning about the Holy Spirit. 

Jenny said that it was: “So wonderful to hear the children reading and singing. As ever, a privilege to support the vital work of the Children Society, and so wonderful to hear the children reading and singing!” 

Snow graced our Diocese this week, transforming parts of the Diocese into a winter wonderland. The Holy Cross Church, Wilcot received a coating of snow that made it look at home in a Charles Dickens Christmas story. 

That's all for this week, but do keep sharing your stories with us. Send us an email at 

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