Advent Highlights

In this season of Advent, our diocese has been busy putting together a whole host of different Advent events for everyone to enjoy. 

 St James Church, Devizes is enjoying its own life-sized outdoor advent calendar this year for the first time as a community event to mark the countdown to Christmas. 

The idea – branded The Devizes Adventure - was put forward by a church member inspired by the hugely successful Brighton beach hut advent calendar, and has been enthusiastically adopted by the local community. 

As Devizes has neither a seafront nor a beach hut, a local building firm has sponsored the provision of a small container that is situated on the 'Little Green' facing the Crammer pond outside St James Church, close to the town centre. 

The Devizes Adventure opened its doors for the first time on 1 December with children from Bishop Cannings Primary School leading a crowd of 100 in carol singing. Each successive night will be a unique creative event - some nights the Devizes Adventure doors will open to music with singing and musicians, on other nights it may be storytelling, art and craft activities or fantastic displays. 

4 December featured the churches eco-friendly outdoor Christingle service and much more fun is still to be expected. The doors will finally close at 6:30pm on 24 December with the real Christmas story bringing light to the real reason behind our eventful Advent journey. 

Revd Richard Saint of St James’s Church, said: "It's intended to be a really fantastic, creative event - by the community for the community - and a lovely way to bring people together on the journey to Christmas’. 

Meanwhile at St James’ in Trowbridge, the clergy held a very successful week-long Christmas Tree Festival displaying 63 trees volunteered from various church and civic organisations, schools and charities. There was a steady footfall and the event was great outreach into the community. 

The money raised will go to a great cause being divided between Breakthrough, a Trowbridge charity for the homeless, and Stand by Me, an international charity for children. 

St Mary’s church in Trowbridge has also been celebrating advent in their own unique way by dressing up their Rector and Rural Dean, Andrew Evans, as a giant inflatable Christingle. It was a first for the church and left many people thinking about shining their light in our sometimes dark world. 

As for our Schools, Calne and the surrounding villages would like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas this year in the form of a Carol! Take a moment and watch their heart-warming video as the children sing Child in a Manger Born with their classmates. 

Have you been praying the Advent prayer, sent out by Bishop Stephen? With just two weeks left you can find our Advent prayer resources here.

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