The Bride Valley Benefice Council held their AGM on Monday, nothing unusual about that, but for the first time they conducted a really successful experiment bringing all the Bride Valley PCCs together under one roof, for a presentation about where they all were as churches in view of 'Your kingdom come, here and now'.
This led them into PCC meetings running simultaneously. Each PCC had their own table and access to not only the Rector and Team Administrator, but other experienced PCC members.
It was an ambitious task, with a long agenda, but ... they finished 5 minutes early!
One of the comments: "As a new member I personally found it very informative. It was really helpful to hear how our neighbours oversee similar situations and ideas for improving ours."
Photo: Rector, Jane Williams with Janet Jackson who has recently stood down after many years serving on the Benefice Council, with background views of the beautiful Bride Valley.