Bike Blessing!

Last Sunday, 1 September, over thirty bikers from Dorset and Wiltshire came to St Mary's, Gillingham for a motorcycle blessing.  Louise Higgs and Revd Angus Mayhew arranged for a short service to assimilate their passion for riding bikes with Jesus' assurance that he came to give us life in all its abundance. Revd Angus blessed the bikes and riders and then rode out to Compton Abbas airfield to see the Spitfires flying. 

Revd Angus said this "We were privileged to have members of the Armed Forces Bikers join us for the blessing. It was particularly humbling to be invited to award trophies and patches to their volunteers who contribute so much to our veterans. The airfield staff kindly lent us a Spitfire for the presentation! Please get in touch if you'd like to join the 2025 bike blessing and ride out. A wonderful day of living life to the full."


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