Engaging the Next Generation

The beginning of July will surely be a week or so that will shape our country. With a surprise General Election, along with the Church of England’s General Synod meeting, I am sure both will help to define the future, with a heavy focus on the young people who will be heading into the future we shape. One of the key priorities for us in the Church nationally is to be a younger and more diverse Church, and ministry to and with Children and Young People is also right at the heart of the diocesan vision. As we press into that priority, there is so much to celebrate heading into the second half of 2024 as well as opportunities for young people and those who work with young people in whatever form, to gather together to build relationships and be encouraged, equipped and empowered for all that’s to come. I just wanted to highlight two events below that I would love to invite you to. Whatever happens this year our vote is always to make Jesus known in every place, so that all may flourish and grow, seeking His Kingdom here and now! Do send in more stories of encouragement of how Jesus continues to transform the lives of the young people.


Stay awesome,

Rob Sallis

Youth Pastor at SML Poole


AYS Connect – 4th July

Alpha UK are inviting us to an event on Thursday 4th July 2024 called 'AYS Connect' at St Mary's Church Longfleet in Poole, from 7-9PM.


The vision of the AYS (Alpha Youth Series) Connect event is to gather Youth Pastors, Youth Workers, Church leaders and anyone who is involved in working with young people, to give an overview of the new and upcoming series. The Alpha team will be sharing why they’ve re-filmed it, who it is aimed at, what the new changes are and when it will be released. Made for this current generation, the new AYS gives young people a new way to explore the big questions of life, faith and purpose and creatively unpacks the real questions Gen Z are asking. Our aim is to use this opportunity to encourage, connect, empower and pray for each other.


This event, held on Thursday 4th July 2024 at 7-9pm, is free. Please sign up by clicking here and feel free to extend the invitation to anyone who may be interested.


There will be a follow up event planned for October 3rd, also at St Mary's Longfleet, Poole.


RESOUND – 6th July

RESOUND in its current form started in October 2021. The local church partnered with Dorset Youth for Christ in its desire to gather young people together to worship Jesus after the months of lockdowns, with young people having ever growing questions around life and faith and a desire to come together. Almost 3 years later over 1100 young people (school years 7-13) from over 60 churches, schools and youth projects have gathered from across Dorset, with more than 200 making a commitment to follow Jesus!


On July 6th we will be holding our next RESOUND event at Castle Court School in Wimborne. This invitation is for all young people across the diocese to gather together to play games, build friendships, hear from God’s word, worship and pray for one another. If you’re not able to come this time, do keep an eye out on the RESOUND website and Instagram page as we will have more events across Dorset in the coming year. Sign up for RESOUND on 6th July by clicking here.

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