'It's never too late for God’ as 95 year old confirmed

‘You should never stop trying new things and this is a very special new thing’ said 95 year old Mavis Lindstrom, who was confirmed in Bradford on Avon at the weekend. 

After decades spent working in the theatre and bringing up three children, Mavis only started going to church regularly a few years ago with friends.

But it was only after she moved to Bradford on Avon, and began attending Holy Trinity, that she was asked to think about getting confirmed.

In the Church of England, confirmation is a special church service in which a person confirms for themselves the promises that were made for them as a child when they were baptized. Depending on the approach of the church, some people will only take Holy Communion for the first time following confirmation.

Mavis went to church as a child, but it was just “habit” and “I didn’t think about it seriously” she says.

“For years and years, decades, if anyone asked, do you believe in God I would have said, oh yes, but it didn’t mean anything – I didn’t pray, or think about it, or go to church.”

But with friends at Holy Trinity she began to feel what she describes a “trace of envy for the light that shone from these people because of their faith”.

She became more involved in the Church and began volunteering regularly.

“I began to think I would like some of that light I saw in others, and I had lots and lots of questions. I haven’t reached the end of the questions – but confirmation is an important milestone. I feel I have progressed a little bit on my journey, and I have had so much encouragement from people around me. It doesn’t matter that it has come so late, it is the right thing. This is a very special new thing. It's never too late for God.”

The confirmation service was carried out by Bishop Robert Atwell, an assistant bishop in the diocese. He prepared Mavis for confirmation, with the support of Rev Sarah Jackson.

Bishop Robert said: “It is always a privilege to confirm people in their faith but it was a special joy to confirm Mavis. At the age of 95, she is the oldest person I’ve ever confirmed but the youngest in heart. Her confirmation is a gift and encouragement to us all. It’s never too late!”

The service last weekend was a joyful one and Mavis says she still has a glow from it.

One of her daughters, who has recently been baptized into the Christian faith herself, has been supporting her mother and is visiting so they can attend church and take Communion together.

Revd Sarah Jackson said the congreation of Bradford on Avon was thrilled by the confirmation. "We are delighted to support Mavis in Sunday's service and everyone is so interested in her journey".

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