This week 1,750 children from more than 55 church schools across the diocese joined together in prayer, song and drama to celebrate their primary school life and to prepare for their forthcoming transition to their new school in September.
The leavers services were held over three days, led by Salisbury Diocesan Board of Education and hosted in Salisbury Cathedral. The schools were invited to come and experience a morning of reflections.
The children thought about the people they would want to ‘welcome in’ to their lives as they move on in their journey, then by the Amnesty Candle, they wrote on love hearts their thoughts about Christian values and their prayers for the world were written on flames as a symbol of the children being a beacon of Jesus' light.
The children thought about the people they would want to ‘welcome in’ to their lives as they move on in their journey, then by the Amnesty Candle, they wrote on love hearts their thoughts about Christian values and their prayers for the world were written on flames as a symbol of the children being a beacon of Jesus' light.
After a break for lunch, the joyous services began, with ‘Jesus is the Light’ at the centre. Accompanied by the organ, children and adult voices filled the cathedral with energy and love. In continuing partnership with Hymnpact, the schools were delighted to be singing ‘We are the Light’.
Each day, a school shared a moving dramatic piece, led by RISE Theatre, that highlighted how easy it is to ‘lose one’s own identity’ by following others, or making choices that lead to negativity.
In his inspiring sermon, Canon Jonathan Triffitt drew on the drama and encouraged children and young people (and the adults in the congregation) to Stay Connected to the source of the light; to Love Generously (including loving ourselves) and to Shine Brightly in life; to be the one and only ‘you’ and that God loves us for it.
Jonathan Triffitt commented the following on the services "It was such a privilege to participate in this years Leavers' Services, which are always a highlight of the year. To see the cathedral filled with hundreds of children filling an ancient space with such joy, and worship was truly inspiring and profoundly moving."
The service also included prayers written by children especially for the service, prayers led by AD Antony MacRow Wood, Bishop Stephen and Bishop Karen and a moment of stillness with candle light dotted along the aisles as children literally ‘passed the light’ between them.
The service ended with a bright procession of children carrying their school banners in celebration, it was a moving occasion for all and the DBE are very grateful to all that were involved in the putting together of this memorable few days.
See more photos of the services on our Social Media @DioceseofSalisbury.