Cycle of Prayer: 1-7 July

Reading the Prayer Diary this week is Ruth Peers! "I'm Ruth Peers, and have just completed three years at Sarum College while working part-time as a community worker at St Francis Church, littlemoor, Weymouth. As a family, we have just moved to Poole where I will become curate for the parish of Hamworthy."

Read July-August's prayers here.

Listen to our prayers: @DioSalisbury

1 July 

Lord God, 

We pray that the congregation of St Martin Le Vieux, Jersey may know your love more clearly and dearly, and that they may be guided into sharing your Love with the wonderful people of St Martin. We thank you the dedication of the Parish Officers, Church Council, and Rev Pete Stone. 



2 July 

Our Lord and Our God, 

Thank you God for St Martin (Gouray), Jersey and its Clergy: Jeffery Wattley, Gerry Baudains, Mike Lange-Smith. We pray for Licensed Lay Minister: Wendy Lange-Smith and Pastoral Assistant: Katie Dunn. 

We pray for the Annual Boat Blessing Service is taking place on the Pier in Gorey Harbour this month. We pray that this may be a great opportunity to make Jesus known to the whole community. 



3 July 

Lord Jesus, As we reflect on Thomas the Apostle 

We pray for Holy Trinity, Jersey and its Clergy: Geoffrey Houghton, for Readers: Angela Le Sueur, Helen Hamilton, Fleur Benest and for Children’s Ministry leader Vicky Bartlett. 

We give thanks for the faithfulness of so many of the congregation. We pray for the continued flourishing of children’s ministry and for a new initiative to bring widowed men together. 

In our prayers for Episcopal Churches in South Sudan and Sudan: We pray for the Rt Revd Edward Oliver Tombe, Bishop of Rejaf in South Sudan. 



4 July 

God of our calling, 

We pray your blessing upon the community of St Saviour in Jersey and its Clergy: Martin Evans. 

We pray for the congregation’s work with the local community and especially the Crafty Coffee Group, which meets on Tuesday mornings. 



5 July 

Our Father, 

We pray for the community of St Luke with St James, Jersey and its Clergy: Nick Barry. 

We give thanks for several young couples who have made their home with us as they prepare for marriage and ask God’s blessing upon them in their lives together. As we launch our Restoration Project, we pray especially for the fund-raising team, that they may have success! 



6 July 

Holy God, 

We raise to you the community of St Peter, Jersey and its Clergy: Robert Harris. 

We pray for our open-air service at ‘Le Don Hilton’ on the beach at St. Ouen’s Bay. We also pray for the continued growth of ministry to the residential and nursing homes in the parish, that it may be a blessing 



7 July ­

On today, the Sixth Sunday after Trinity 

We pray your blessing upon for the Archdeacon of Sherborne, Penny Sayer and her vital work across Dorset. 

We pray for those who have recently taken up posts in the Diocese, that the gifts they bring may bear much fruit. We pray also for those parishes in vacancy, for those responsible for parish profiles, and for those involved in the interview and discernment process that you may guide people to where they are able to flourish. 

In our Anglican Cycle of Prayer: We pray for The Church of the Province of the Indian Ocean 


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