Cycle of Prayer: 14-20 October

Reading this week's prayers is Jamie Pritchard. ‘Jamie serves as the Worship & Creative Pastor at the Lantern Church, Merley. He is passionate about creating spaces for people to encounter the God that loves them through sung worship both inside and outside the four walls of the Church.

Read September-October's prayers here

Listen to this week's prayers here

14 October 

Our Saviour, 

We pray today for the communities of Talbot Village, Poole & North Bournemouth and their Clergy: Nick Wells, Jonathan Burke, Paul Collins. 

We pray for St Marks, Talbot village and St Saviours, Wallisdown that they may  continue to be guided by God in all they do. We give thanks for the wonderful new Church wardens Chris and Alison Gaunt and Melissa Martin and we pray for them and their young families as they juggle jobs, child care and ministry. 

We raise to you the children, families and staff of Talbot Village St Mark's CE VA Primary School 


15 October 

Our Lord and our God, 

We pray your blessing upon the communities of Lytchetts and Upton and their Clergy: Matt Simpson, Stephen Partridge and Michelle Cobley. We pray for Licensed Lay Ministers: Dave Parker and Mark Rathbone. 

We pray for the ministry team continue to thrive together as Matt returns from sabbatical today. 


16 October 

In our prayers today we raise to you Poole Missional Communities and their clergy Clergy: Lucy Bolster, Paul Bradbury, Phil James, Naomi Whayman, Sally Taylor and John Good. 

We pray for Poole Missional Communities and the resources and people held under this Bishop's mission order. 

In our prayers for Episcopal Churches in South Sudan and Sudan: We pray for the Rt Revd Joseph Mamer Manot, Bishop of Wanyjok in South Sudan. 


17 October 

Lord Jesus, 

We raise to you the communities of Canford Heath, and their Clergy: Matt Williams, Peter Homden and Paul Renyard. 

We thank God for those we have seen come to faith in recent years and their enthusiasm for Jesus and church. We pray they are discipled well, helped to grow in their knowledge and love of God and their faithfulness to him. 


18 October – As today we reflect on Luke the Evangelist 

We pray for the community of Oakdale St George, and its Clergy: Penny Draper, Tom Lock and John Graves. We ask your blessing on the ministry of Licensed Lay Minister: Pam Clark and Lay Worship Leader: Sue Bursey. 

We pray for those who experience outreach  through Toddler Group, Messy Church, Cafe Church, Sunday Family Ministry, Lunch Club, and Community Teas for the elderly, and for the volunteers who enable all these things to happen. 

We pray for the staff, students and parents of 

Poole St Edwards RC-CE VA School 


19 October 

Living Lord, 

We pray for the patients and staff of Poole Hospital and the University Hospitals Dorset, and Forest Holme Hospice. We ask you to bless the ministry of its Chaplains: James Taylor, Paul Hatchard, Brian Purchase, and Andy Walker 


Chaplaincy volunteers: Andrew Williams, June Gallagher, Michael Guest, Karen Sherman, Sylvia Kraushaar, Yvonne Jones. 

May the Lord direct them to people who are lost in their pain and disorientation, and equip them with wisdom and strength. 


20 October – On today, Twenty First Sunday after Trinity 

We pray for the students and staff of Bournemouth University / Arts University Bournemouth 

And senior Chaplain: Ruth Wells. 

We pray for the team of faith advisors across a range of traditions as they seek to welcome new and returning students well. We pray for those students facing loneliness and isolation, that they may experience your loving kindness in the welcome they encounter. 

In our Anglican Cycle of Prayer: we pray for Eglise Anglicane du Rwanda 


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