Cycle of Prayer 17-23 June

Reading this week's prayers is David Sinclair. David has been serving as part of the leadership team in Hazelbury Bryan and the Hillside Parishes Benefice and will be serving curacy in Iwerne Valley Benefice.  

Read May-June's Prayers

Listen to our prayers: @DioSalisbury

17 June 

Our Lord and Our God, 

We pray for the community of the Vale of Pewsey, and its Clergy: Rhona Floate, Mark Windsor, Ann Massey, Gerald Osborne, Robert de Berry. We thank you for the ministry of Licensed Lay Ministers: Anne Mantle and Libby Turner. 

We give thanks for the recent Life Exhibition, Making Jesus Known to 300 children from local schools. We also thank God for new clergy colleagues: Hazel Davies, newly appointed Team Vicar (Community Outreach & Mission) and for all new deacons this July. We pray for them as they settle into their new roles. 

We raise to you the pupils, staff and families of: 

Oare CE VC Primary School 

Rushall CE VA School 

Woodborough CE VA Primary School 


18 June 

Lord God, Today we pray for Jersey and the Dean The Very Revd Mike Keirle. 

We pray as a new Priest is appointed at St. Brelade's Church and we give thanks for more than 20 years of ministry from Rev Mark Bond as he retires. 

We pray for our engagement with local schools, as we follow up our hugely successful multi-media event from last year which saw over 1000 children come to our churches to learn about the life of Jesus. We raise to you in prayer all our clergy, and  the family of Rev Jane Ilton who passed away recently. 


19 June 

Lord, Jesus In today’s prayers we thank you for the community of St Ouen, Jersey Deanery and its Clergy: Ian Pallent. 

We pray for Revd Ian Pallent, Rector and his family, together with Sally Drayson Le Tissier, the Children's, Youth and Families Missioner in their ministry of making disciples in the Parish of St Ouën.  We praise God for growth in attendees. 

In our prayers for Episcopal Churches in South Sudan and Sudan: We pray for the The Most Revd Ogeno Charles Opoka, Archbishop & Bishop of Diocese of Torit in South Sudan. 


20 June 

Eternal God, 

We raise to you the community of St Mary, in Jersey Deanery and its Clergy: Kirsty Allan. 

We pray the parish can work more closely together to build a sense of community and that we see you, O God, work in and around us and empower us to share your word. 


21 June 

Loving God, 

We pray for the community of St John, Jersey Deanery and its Clergy: Beverley Sproats. 

We pray for St John’s as we seek to share the love of God and serve the local community including the municipal parish and St. John’s Primary School. 


22 June 

Loving God, 

We raise to you the community of St Lawrence: St Matthew, Jersey Deanery and its Clergy: Phil Warren. 

We pray for the outreach ministries to children, families, young adults, post Alpha groups and the many people who are searching for God. We also pray for healing for a number of church members and their families they may feel your loving arms around them 


23 June – Lord God, Today, on Fourth Sunday after Trinity 

We pray for the community of St Brelade with St Aubin, Jersey Deanery 

We pray for Revd Canon Janice Audibert and her husband Jean, from Poole, who are coming to St Brelade to care for the community for the summer. We pray for them and their ministry among us, We also ask prayer for the process of finding a new Rector for the parish of St Brelade. We lift to you the ministry team who will support Janice and continue to care for the people of this parish, and those who will visit here this summer, that they may encounter You in this place. 


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