Reading this week's prayers is Revd Mike Trotman. Mike describes himself as a "Pug-Loving, Pioneering Priest from St Peter’s Parkstone in Poole!"
Read November and December prayers or contribute your own prayers.
Listen to this week's prayers here
18 November
Heavenly Father,
We thank you for everyone who worships and serves in the parishes of the Nadder Valley. We pray for your blessing over those who lead, lay, ordained, and in volunteer roles, that You would equip them for the work You have called them to do.
We ask for your blessing on the students, families and staff at Tisbury St John's CE VC Primary School
Hindon CE VA Primary School
Dinton CE VC Primary School
Chilmark & Fonthill Bishop CE VA Primary School
19 November
O Lord,
We pray for your blessing upon: St Bartholomew benefice, for those who worship and live there. We ask you continue to guide them in living out your word. We lift to you the pupils staff and families of: Semley CE VA Primary School
20 November
Creator God
We pray for the communities of Western Downland, that they may be blessed by your presence and your peace. We pray that all those who lead in the community may be inspired and renewed by your word.
We pray and give thanks for the parents, students and teachers of: Western Downland CE VA Primary School
In the wider Anglican Church, We pray for The Rt Revd David Akau, Bishop of Awerial in South Sudan
21 November
Lord Jesus,
Today we give thanks for Mothers Union, we pray your blessing upon those who work and volunteer in so many different ways, in this diocese and across the world.
We pray you will bless the services they provide, and all those who use them.
22 November
We raise to you in prayer the people and parishes of the Chalke Valley. We pray for the clergy and lay leaders and volunteers in each place, that they may be refreshed and blessed in their ministry.
We pray for your blessing on the pupils, families and staff at Chalke Valley
Coombe Bissett CE VA Primary School
Broad Chalke CE VA Primary School
Longford CE VC Primary School
We pray for The Anglican Church of Southern Africa
23 November
Eternal God,
Today we raise to you the community of Cley Hill Villages. We pray for all who help to put on services in schools, churches, and the wider communities. May everyone be blessed by their service, and your grace.
We raise to you the staff, pupils and families of Crockerton CE VA Primary School
Chapmanslade CE VA Primary School
24 November
Lord God, Prince of Peace
As we celebrate Christ as King
We raise to you the community of Mere with West Knoyle, praying particularly for those who provide services of all kinds, in the community, in church, in school. We pray you will equip them and bless their courageous Christian leadership.
In our cycle of prayer, we pray for The Anglican Church of South America