Cycle of Prayer: 23-29 September

Reading this week's prayers is Matt Lee. Matt is the assistant minister at St John's Church, Wimborne. He really believes the Bible is true. He and Becky have 3 children, and they enjoy cycling and making dens.

Read September-October's prayers here.

Listen to our prayers: @DioSalisbury

23 September  

In morning prayer, we read how the apostle Paul bore witness in Jerusalem, and so we pray for the Church of St John’s in Wimborne, that they would be courageous in sharing their faith. We pray for the week of events at the start of October, that many would be invited, that the gospel would be faithfully proclaimed, and that you would open blind eyes, saving people from their sins, and giving new life in Christ. Bring glory to your name in Wimborne we pray. 

24 September 

In morning prayer, we read how the prophet Micaiah gave an unpopular message to the ungodly leadership of King Ahab. Grant, therefore, we pray faithfulness and courage to all the ministers of Wimborne deanery, and especially today for the team at Verwood in Wimborne Deanery. In their monthly family service, in their work in the two first schools and Emmanuel Middle school, in their heating plans for the church building, guide their feet according to your paths. 

25 September  

In morning prayer we read how God preserved the life of the apostle Paul, so that he might preach Christ to the ends of the earth. We pray for our sisters and brothers in South Sudan and Sudan and particular today the Rt Revd Zechariah Mayok Biar. Thank you for preserving his life through many years of war, and we pray that he would continue to look to you as he ministers in Wanglei diocese. We also thank you for bringing West Moors through their vacancy, and for all those who have ministered, and pray now for the new incumbent Rev Elizabeth Campbell that she would trust wholly in you. 

26 September  

In morning prayer, we read Psalm 78 and so we pray that we would be able to tell the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the Lord, his power and the wonders he has done. We pray especially for West Parley in Wimborne Deanery, and for the clergy Charles Booth, Sheila Thomas and Christopher Rutledge. We pray with them that they might have grace to deepen their engagement with their local community, reaching new people with the good news of Christ. 

27 September 

In morning prayer, we read of how the spirit of the prophet Elijah came to rest on Elisha, and how we need the ministry of the Holy Spirit in our diocese. We pray for Wimborne Minster and the Wimborne Villages, that you might pour out your Spirit on the ministry team as they serve the seven churches, the many schools and other places of worship. Keep them focused on making Jesus known as they teach your word in season and out of season. 

28 September  

In morning prayer, through Elisha, God provided for the widow, and brought the Shunammite’s son back to life. Almighty God, we pray for you to be powerfully at work in our diocese, and particularly Poole and North Bournemouth Deanery, as your church there serves a large and mixed population. Help them to seek first your kingdom and your righteousness, and we pray particularly today for Christchurch Creekmoor as they welcome their new vicar, Rachel Hawkins. 

29 September  

In the lectionary for the 18th Sunday after Trinity, we remember the enormous value the Lord Jesus places upon his people, his little ones. We pray today for our sisters and brothers in Pakistan, as they face discrimination for their faith. Defend their cause O Lord, and bring justice quickly. We pray also for Branksome Park All Saints, and delight with you in the adults and children who are being baptised and confirmed this month. Please would nothing cause them to stumble, but by your Spirit, bring them to maturity in the faith.

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