Cycle of Prayer: 3-9 March

Reading this week's prayer is Robyn Golden-Hann. Robyn is a third year curate at St Aldhelm's church in Poole; a former stonemason, in her previous career she spent ten years working on the restoration of Salisbury cathedral.

Read our daily Cycle of Prayer below, listen on our social media (Diocese of Salisbury).

Read March 2025's prayers

3 March: Gillingham, Milton on Stour and Silton, Blackmore Vale Deanery.

Creator God, 

We pray for the communities of Gillingham, Milton on Stour and Silton, that they may be blessed by your presence and peace. We pray that all those who lead in the community may be inspired and renewed by your word. We pray for clergy, Tim Heaton.

We ask for your blessing on the staff, parents, and students of: 

Milton on Stour CE VA Primary School

Gillingham St Mary the Virgin CE VA School


4 March: HMP Guy's Marsh

Almighty God, 

We pray today for your blessing on HMP Guy's Marsh. We pray for the inmates and staff. We pray for the clergy, Anthony Oehring.


5 March: The Dean of Guernsey.

Ash Wednesday.

Lord God, Prince of Peace,

Today on Ash Wednesday, we pray for all those holding services and raise all those in our diocese to you.

We raise the Dean of Guernsey, The Very Revd Tim Barker we pray that you will equip him and bless his leadership. 

In our link diocese, we pray for Rt Revd Onesimo Lado Yugusuk, Bishop of Lomega in South Sudan.


6 March: Alderney, Guernsey Deanery.

Dear God,

We pray today for Your abundant blessing on all who live in the benefice of Alderney, Guernsey Deanery and their clergy, Samantha Martell. We ask that they know Your presence and guidance with them this week. 

Shine Your light on them today, in the name of Jesus. 


7 March: St Matthew, Cobo, Guernsey Deanery.

Loving God, 

We pray today for the communities of St Matthew, Cobo that you would bless them and keep them in your care. We thank you for clergy, Gill Nobes and pray for the ministry of the benefice. 


8 March: Forest, Guernsey Deanery.

Eternal God, 

We pray for all living in Forest, those who work, play and pray there. We pray for Clergy, Claire Claxton. 

We remember particularly today all those struggling under the weight of ill health, physical and mental – may they know your comforting arms around them.


9 March: St Andrew, Guernsey Deanery.

First Sunday of Lent.

On today, the First Sunday of Lent, we pray:

God of all blessings, we hold before you the benefice of St Andrew and its clergy, Tim Barker. We pray that the worshipping community may know You are with them today, and always. 

In our Anglican cycle of prayer, we pray for The Anglican Church of Canada.



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