Cycle of Prayer: 6-12 May

Reading this weeks prayers is Gary Waldron. "I am a final-year ordinand at Sarum College, a friend, a husband to Sam, a father to two, a son, a brother, a newly professed member of the Franciscan Third Order, a production engineer, and above all, someone who tries and often fails to follow Jesus. I am always seeking ways to help others see how the fact of Jesus Christ`s life and resurrection can change them and their worldview, should they let him in."

Read May-June's Prayers

Listen to our prayers: @DioSalisbury

6 May 

Today we pray for Upper Stour with Maiden Bradley, Heytesbury Deanery and its Clergy: Graham Southgate. 

We ask for  your blessing on the Benefice as they settle in together, collaborating as a newly formed benefice. We pray for Revd Mac who continues to support ministry and mission across the benefice. 

We pray for the staff, pupils and families of 

Bourton St Georges CE VA School 

Whitesheet Church of England Primary Academy 


7 May 


Thank you for Upper Wylye Valley Team, Heytesbury Deanery. As the Upper Wylye Team are now in vacancy, we pray as they seek to work more collaboratively. We thank you for Rev’d Jonathan Hiscox and Katherine Venning Licensed Lay Ministers who continue to support this Team Ministry. 

We pray your blessing upon the patients and staff of St John's Hospital Heytesbury and the staff, pupils and families of Sutton Veny CE VC Primary School 

Heytesbury CE VA Primary School 

Wylye Valley CE VA Primary School 


8 May 

Creator God, 

We thank you for Warminster Christ Church, Heytesbury Deanery and its Clergy: Lorraine Dobbins and Licensed Lay Ministers : Eva Burton, John Cheesman and  Mo Cheesman. 

We pray for Warminster as it grows with several hundred houses going up. We pray this allows will bring opportunities for new collaboration and that links with youth ministry and army families will flourish. 

We pray for the ministry to families and young children at Christ Church continues . We raise to you the staff, pupils and families of Warminster Sambourne CE VC Primary School 

In our prayers for Episcopal Churches in South Sudan and Sudan: We pray for the Most Revd Paul Benjamin Yugusuk, Archbishop & Diocesan Bishop of Lainya in South Sudan. 


9 May – On today, Ascension Day 

We pray for White Horse, Heytesbury Deanery and its Clergy: Rebecca Harris, Caroline Husband, Holly Newton, Helen Durant-Stevensen, Margaret Davies, David Hart. We pray you blessed on Licensed Lay Ministers: Graham Stevensen, Ashley Jones. 

We pray that we may all be inspired to respond to the opportunities to Make Jesus Known in the  parishes of Westbury and Dilton Marsh; as we work on our mission action plans and share the love of Jesus with all whom we encounter day-by-day. 

We pray particularly for the pupils, staff and families of : 

Westbury Leigh CE VC Primary School 

Westbury CE VC Junior School 

Dilton Marsh CE VC Primary School 


10 May 

God our Father, 

We pray your blessing upon the community of River Were, Heytesbury Deanery and its Clergy: Susan Foster, Rodney Baxendale, Denis Brett, Richard Davies, Gay Maynard, Norma Payne, Carole Owen, David Prescott, Liz Smith, Harold Stephens, Martin Weymont. We ask you blessing on the ministry of Licensed Lay Ministers: Elaine Berge, Elaine McNicholas, Sheelagh Wurr. 

Lord, pour out Your Spirit upon the River Were Benefice. Grant us a new vision of Your glory, a new experience of Your power, a new faithfulness to Your word and a new consecration to Your service. So that Your love may grow among us as we make Jesus known in our community. We ask this through Christ our Lord. 

We pray for the pupils, staff and families of 

Warminster St John's CE VC Primary School 

Warminster The Minster CE VC Primary School 


11 May 


Today we pray for our Overseas Links: both deanery and diocesan Sudan, Latvia & Evreux Links. 

We pray for the Sudan Committee Secretary: Sheila Trist and Sudan Medical Link: Mike Maclachlan and their commitment to serving you through this minstry. We pray for your healing and peace for the people of the Sudans. 


12 May – On today, Seventh Sunday of Easter 

We pray for the The Archdeacon of Wilts, Sue Groom as she has finished in her role as Archdeacon, that she may experience your peace and fulfilmment as she starts on the next stage of life and ministry. 

In our Anglican Cycle of Prayer: We pray for The Anglican Church of Burundi. 


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