3 minute read
As part of our diocesan vision that through Making Jesus Known, all may flourish and grow, the family of churches centred on St Thomas’ in Trowbridge has continued to invest in young people and children and seen them thrive, all made possible by dedicated teams of volunteers as well as previous part time youth workers.
What has been happening? Read their update:
'Toddlers' on a Monday morning, Holy Trinity Church: The parent and toddler group has up to 35 attendees. Focusing on connecting with the regular worshiping congregation, has led to invitations to All Age Services at Christmas, interactive Christmas and Easter events, and support through ‘Mini Meets’ on Thursday mornings, where children are cared for while parents relax, offering valuable conversations for families.
'Messy Church' running six times a year: With twelve families attending, there are crafts and ‘Spiritual Takeaway Challenges.’ Monthly informal chat evenings are also available for couples to explore Christian faith.
'The Island' for year groups 7-11 on Tuesday afternoons, Holy Trinity: Around 30-40 young people attend, enjoying games, football, XBox, and a virtual reality headset. Free hot chocolate, doughnuts, and cookies are popular, and the relaxed atmosphere promotes meaningful conversations.
Impax, on Wednesday nights, Paxcroft Mead housing development: Impax has run for the past 25 years. Currently, there are 20 young people who meet for games, fun and a short talk, allowing for open conversation and discussion about topics important to them.
Additional community activities include carol singing in the local pub, supporting school Christmas fairs, and running the annual Easter Egg Trail.
Since January 2025, Youth Alpha has run on Sundays in St Thomas'. Starting with 15 young people discussing Christian faith over doughnuts, the group grew to 23 the following week and 25 the next. It's amazing to see these numbers grow!
Primary School work: The Paxcroft Mead congregation has built strong ties with local primary schools, offering ‘Reason for the Season’ talks. Outreach includes mentoring 20 children, supporting the Special Needs Unit at Castle Mead School, assisting the Paxcroft Mead Community Centre Toddler Group, and providing governance input to The Mead Academy and Equa Trust.
Martyn Whittock, Licensed Lay Minister with oversight of Children and Youth Church said "All of these are ways that we are seeking to live out the Vision of ‘Making Jesus Known.’ We thank God for the opportunities that have been provided and ask for your prayers."