Ministry to the Deaf community and Deaf Chaplaincy

One in six people are deaf or have some hearing loss and we want to make sure everyone is included in our Churches. One in a thousand people have more severe Deafness and use British Sign language (BSL) as their language of choice.

We want to make sure every church is inclusive. Not only does it open the riches of the Christian Faith to Deaf people, but the use of Sign Language enhances worship, and the presence of the Deaf community enriches the Church. We can also help schools explore the Bible and faith in Sign Language.

Revd Neil Robinson is Chaplain to the Deaf and Hard of Hearing. Contact Revd Neil: email,, text, 07717 055219

Guidelines to familiarise yourself with how to engage with people with various levels of hearing loss in a church setting
Resources for working with deaf people
Weddings, Funerals and Baptisms

Details of our Deaf Chaplaincy Service are below: regular services, Get to know Revd Neil Robinson, Chaplain to the deaf and FAQ:


Contact the Mission Team

The Revd Neil Robinson

Chaplain to the Deaf and Hard of Hearing

Email:, Text: 07717 055219

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