
Away from it all: AFIA
We provide "Away from it all" holidays in our six-berth mobile holiday home in Rockley park, Poole for those in need. There are still opportunities for booking for the rest of this year. (We would welcome volunteers to help with bookings) Contact the Mothers' Union here.
Social Justice
We continue our strong links with the woman's refuges within the diocese, particularly with Salisbury Women's Refuge. We support the Mothers' Union RISE UP Campaign againist Domestic Abuse and gender violence. 
As part of International UN led annual 16 days of Activism Campaign against Gender based violence, our members come together for a high profile eucharist service in Salisbury Cathedral to which several other agencies are invited. Last year we collaborated with Salisbury Soroptimists and provided Souls of our Shoes Displays in the Cathedral, St Thomas' Church and various retail locations in the city. Read more here.
We support Erlestoke prison for men in the Diocese. Our members provide support through our Angel Tree project, where we provide and wrap presents for the children of prisoners to receive at Christmas.
Schools and our virtual baby programme
This wonderful project started 11 years ago and takes computerised 'babies' into 9 schools (across the diocese) where pupils have the opportunity to look after them and discover the realities of having a baby. Mothers' Union provide the 'e-safety' package and deliver it to schools. If you are willing to volunteer in co-ordinating this programme, Contact the Mothers' Union here.
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