The primary purpose of Continual Ministerial Development (CMD) is to support the ongoing formation of leaders, lay and ordained, so that they may be inspired and equipped to confidently Make Jesus Known.
Our CMD Programme is underpinned by our vision to, 'Make Jesus Christ known in every place, so that all might flourish and grow, seeking His kingdom here and now.'
Sitting behind this vision are five paths:
- Creative Partnerships in Local Mission
- Courageous Christian Leadership
- Working for Justice
- Championing Climate Justice
- Sustaining the Future Financially
In our CMD Programme we commit to create a learning environment in which all ministers, lay and ordained, can flourish in their service of God and commitment to Making Jesus Known.
Click below to view the latest CMD offering (Spring 2025):

Diocesan Events calendar here.
Our diocesan CMD expectations
It is important to note that those holding office under Common Tenure (including those with freehold), are required to participate in CMD, as set out under Regulation 19 of the Ecclesiastical Offices (Terms of Service) Regulations 2009. National guidelines recommend that full time ministers take personal responsibility for setting aside at least five days each year for CMD.
Our package of CMD support and learning
The diocese is currently partnering with Sarum College in developing its learning offer. The CMD provision includes Regular teaching / training events on vocation, wellbeing and practical aspects of ministry:
- An annual CMD Grant for licensed clergy (currently £290 for 2024)
- Reflective Practice Groups Spiritual Accompaniment
- Opportunities for Extended Ministerial Development Leave (EMDL)
As members of the South Central Regional Training Partnership we offer courses including:
- Post of First Responsibility
-Training Incumbency
- Rural /Area Deans Consultation Preparing for Retirement Consultation
Ministry Development Review (MDR)
The Ministry Development Review is designed to provide an opportunity for clergy to reflect on their ministry every 18 months. This alternates between a peer review (conducted by a reviewer selected from the diocesan list) and a senior staff review (conducted by a Bishop or Archdeacon, or by arrangement by the Dean).
Through MDR, clergy are given the opportunity to:
• Reflect before God on their vocation and ministry
• Stand back and look at their ministry, and identify what most needs development and attention
• Receive both encouragement and challenge
• Become more aware of their own strengths and weaknesses
• Set some objectives for their personal and ministerial development
• Identify and arrange resources to help with (5) above
Clergy Retreats
All licensed clergy are expected to take an annual retreat. The form and pattern of retreats will vary but during a year, full-time clergy should set aside the best part of a week for this activity. This should not be considered as leave. Where appropriate associated costs should be claimed as part of parish expenses.
Spiritual accompaniment/direction
There will be a process of establishing a relationship with a spiritual director, who supports individuals with discerning how God is at work in the whole of life. Contact Julie Dunstan ( for details how spiritual accompaniment can be arranged.
Find out more by clicking here.
Contact Parish Support for more information
Sam Giddens
Support Services & People Administrator
Get in touch