

Baptisms is a sacrament. It is a joyous moment for all involved and an opportunity to rejoice in what God has done for us in Christ. 

Baptisms and services of Thanksgiving for the Gift of a Child are opportunities to welcome new families into your worshiping community, tell them about the meaning of baptism, and explain how it’s just the beginning of a lifelong spiritual journey. 








Baptism or ‘christening’?
The importance of godparents
Ideas for Baptism
Ideas for Thanksgivings
Further Resources
Ten ideas for going the ‘extra mile’

After the Baptism service – why follow-up really matters 

Keeping in touch with people is vital if you want them to return—whether to purchase, visit or give. It’s no different for church. 

Following up with people after a baptism service is the best way to encourage them to return to church. Here are a few ideas for how you could do that.










More ideas for follow-up
Resources for follow-up
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