Help With Digital

The Giving Team is here to help you find ways to raise the funds you need for your church, whether it’s ministry and mission work, or to fund repairs or restoration work for the building itself.

There are so many ways we might do it, and every church is different – but at the heart we are the same; inspiring giving through the stories of our faith, and why it’s important, not just within our church, but the impact in our local communities.

Whether you're using a contactless giving device, QR codes, A Church Near You, or your own website we're here to help you get the best out of your online giving.

If you need tech help with your online giving do read the guides below; and feel free to contact the Digital Giving Officer Harry Neary with your questions.

Solving Problems with Contactless

Having problems with your contactless donation device? The screen keeps turning off? Why won't it accept this payment card? This guide will help you troubleshoot the problem.

Payaz Donation Station

The Magic of QR Codes

QR codes are a simple and effective way of guiding people to content you want them to see - such as your online donation page. But what are QR codes? How do they work? And how do you create your own?

QR Codes

A Church Near You Tutorial

A Church Near You is a powerful online resource for your church. This guide helps you get to grips with the editor. Learn to add services, content pages, and even videos.

A Church Near You
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