Warm spaces funding - and help for every parish

As temperatures have plummeted over the last week,  thank you to all our churches who have opened up buildings  or other spaces, or supported others in their local community to do so, to provide a warm welcome for those struggling with energy bills. 

We had 90 applicants for our Warm Spaces fund, which was funded from the national Church.  Its been wonderful to see how so many people are trying to respond to the needs of their neighbours – even while struggling themselves. Given the cold weather, churches are also reporting increased use of their warm spaces. In Wiltshire, Michael Armstrong, treasurer of Bromham, Sandy Lane and Chittoe PCC, said: "We have been heating our warm space and providing background heating throughout the church for a few weeks now and with this much colder weather it is noticeable that more and more people are just coming into church to sit quietly, maybe to pray, or just to let their children play with some of the toys we have – whatever they wish."

In recognition of the challenges faced by all parishes with soaring energy prices, the diocese - with the support of funding from the national Church - is sending out a contribution towards energy bills to every PCC. Notification of this should arrive shortly. If you have any queries, please contact the director of finance, Nigel Jenner.

There are other grants to help too – the The Co-op Warm Spaces Funding Boost offers up to £3,000 of financial support to charities and community projects across the UK. Details here Co-op Warm Spaces Funding Boost | Crowdfunder UK

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