Clergy HR

On this page you will find information to help you flourish in ministry. Most of the core documents you need are contained in our Clergy Handbook, which you can download The Clergy Handbook. Specific information on work life balance policies, leave, wellbeing and ministry in retirement is also detailed on web pages listed in this Clergy HR section, see the menu on the left of this page. 

The Clergy Handbook provides advice and guidance to working arrangements for all clergy holding the Bishop's licence, although some sections will specifically apply to those on Common Tenure. It is a useful resource for all authorised ministers, ordained or lay, bringing together advice and guidance on working arrangements along with various regulations, policies and practices. The Clergy Handbook is a working document, with an annual review of all contents. 

Useful links for Clergy and stipendiary Licensed Lay Workers
Visit the national website for the Church of England Guidelines for the Professional Conduct of the Clergy, Revised Edition 2015

Further information on common tenure can be found in the national Church of England FAQs.

The Clergy Transitions Service is a confidential, personal support service for those at a vocational crossroad or seeking fresh opportunities. This service is provided by the Church of England.

There’s also some helpful information in the Family Leave Policy guidance.

For further help and support in relation to clergy terms of office, Statements of Particulars (SOP) or any other HR related matter, please email the Clergy HR Team.
Useful links for ministers with Permission to Officiate
Salisbury is a largely rural diocese with many multi-parish benefices and team ministries. The ministry of the Church is a shared endeavour between laity and clergy, between those who are stipended and those who are self-supporting. An important element in this matrix is the ministry of clergy holding Permission to Officiate (PtO). We have in the diocese less than 200 licensed clergy but more than 400 clergy with PtO without whose help many benefices would be unable to function as effectively as they do. We are richly blessed by, and very much value, the ministry of those holding PtO. In July 2018 the House of Bishops published a Policy on granting Permission to Officiate1 setting out an agreed structure and framework within which PtO operates. In particular, the Policy contains provisions to ensure that:
•The process for agreeing and reviewing PtO is carried out in accordance with the House of Bishop.
•The process for agreeing and reviewing PtO is carried out in accordance with the House of Bishop Safer Recruitment: Practice Guidance.
•PtO clergy receive appropriate pastoral support, and are not asked to do more than they are willing or able to provide.
•Appropriate use is made of their talents; and & their ministry is properly acknowledged and affirmed and supported.

This document outlines some of those provisions.




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