If a PCC agrees they would like to make any alterations to a church building, its contents, or its churchyard, an application for a Faculty will usually be required.
A Faculty is legal permission to carry out the development work. However, there are different permissions depending on what is being proposed so it is vitally important that whatever changes you have in mind, however small you think they are, that you get in touch with the Church Buildings Team in the first instance so they can best advise you.
The process to obtain the permission begins with a proposal from the PCC about the alterations and ends with a decision from the Chancellor of the diocese or the relevant Archdeacon as to whether it can go ahead.
Both the Chancellor and Archdeacon are advised by the DAC about the decision, which will balance the church’s missional aims and needs with the heritage and historical significance of the building or land.
Further documents and guidance can be found from Church Buildings here or in the Documents Library here
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