Clergy Vacancies

Rural Dean of Alderbury and Team Vicar Clarendon Team Ministry

The Clarendon Team is seeking a new colleague to be responsible for the pastoral oversight of three parishes, with a large ministry team as colleagues.

Rector - Gillingham, Milton on Stour and Silton benefice

We are seeking a new Rector to serve the town of Gillingham and the villages of Milton on Stour and Silton, located within the beautiful Blackmore Vale, in North Dorset. The vacancy has created an exciting opportunity to look afresh at our vision for the future, to serve young and old and to Make Jesus Known.

PRIEST in CHARGE (half time)

Sixpenny Handley with Gussage St Andrew and Pentridge with additional responsibilities in the parishes of Chettle, Farnham and Tollard Royal

House for Duty Rector - for Hazelbury Bryan and the Hillside Parishes

Lying to the south of the Sturminster Newton, in the hills overlooking the Blackmore Vale, Hazelbury Bryan and the Hillside parishes are located in a beautiful part of Dorset. The six parish churches have faithfully served their communities for many centuries. Each church has an individual identity, but the Benefice works together to make Jesus known.

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