Sermons and Addresses

Ad clerum on Living in Love and Faith: November 23

Bishop Stephen's letter to clergy and lay ministers in the diocese following General Synod

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Ordinations of priests July 2023

Bishop Andrew's sermon at the ordination of priests

Bishop Andrew's Coronation Sermon

Salisbury Cathedral, 7 May

Charter Service 2023 

Preached by Bishop Stephen at the annual Charter service in St Thomas’, Salisbury on Sunday 5 March 2023

Bishop Stephen address for Ash Wednesday at Salisbury Cathedral

"Dressing up as a bishop beats most other theatrical performances. What colour mitre; hat on or hat off; surrender stick or retake it; have you forgot your pectoral cross yet again, the list goes on and on and wherever you go the rules are slightly different and no one really knows what they are anyway."

Presidential Address – Diocesan Synod - 4 February 2023

Bishop Stephen spoke of the Peace Pilgrimage to South Sudan, by Pope Francis, Archbishop Justin and the Moderator of the Church of Scotland Dr Ian Greenshields, which was underway while synod met. He said: “My contacts with both Archbishops of the Sudans continues to be frank, honest and committed to on-going partnership, recognising that especially for their people, there really are bigger issues at stake.

Bishop Andrew's New Year Message 2023

Bishop Andrew's New Year Message 2023

What’s in a name? Christmas Thought 2022 from Bishop Karen

Bishop Karen recorded a Christmas thought for the ‘Alfred Daily’ podcast. Read what she said here.

From Darkness to Light: Address by Dean Nick

From Darkness to Light, Friday 25 November 2022, Salisbury Cathedral by The Very Revd Nicholas Papadopulos, Dean of Salisbury

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