Sermons and Addresses

Advent Reflection by Bishop Karen

Bishop Karen's address for the start of Advent "The eagerness to get the decorations up and the lights on the tree is a reflection of our need to cheer ourselves up and bring some light into our lives almost as soon as the clocks go back."

From Darkness to Light: Address by Bishop Stephen

Bishop Stephen's sermon for the beginning of Advent. "There is something unsettling about total darkness, even when in a cathedral of goodness. Total darkness. Anything could go wrong."

Sermon for Safeguarding Sunday

Bishop Stephen's sermon for Safeguarding Sunday, at Salisbury Cathedral.

Service admitting the Dean of Jersey and the Dean of Guernsey as canons

Sermon from the service at Salisbury Cathedral to admit to the College of Canons the Dean of Jersey and the Dean of Guernsey, to mark the attachment of the Channel Islands to the Diocese.

Ad clerum: 4 November 2022

The College of Bishops met for three days this week to discuss the Living in Love and Faith Process.  The College includes all bishops.  We were pleased by the level of engagement, grace and honest discussion from everyone present.  Working in groups, we were able to express hopes and concerns in a context of prayer and fellowship.  The Eucharist was celebrated each day.  Much time was spent reflecting on passages from scripture which included:

Service of Thanksgiving for the life of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

Sunday 18 September 2022 by +Stephen, Bishop of Salisbury

Bishop Stephen: Sudan visit evensong homily

Over 40 Sudanese bishops and their spouses were welcomed to Salisbury Cathedral on 8 August, this is Bishop Stephen's welcoming address

The Archbishop of Canterbury Charge at the Consecration of Bishop Stephen

To our well beloved in Christ, Stephen David Lake, now Bishop and Pastor of the Diocese of Salisbury, Greeting.

Address by Bishop of Salisbury: Inauguration Address

Hello. Thirty four years ago I was ordained on the very spot from where I have just been presented to you as your bishop.

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